Monday, March 03, 2025

This is where the anger laced hate comes from.

This is Trump’s modus operandi. 

“America will not put up with it much longer”…

His following wants the government to have control of the Russian outcome. He is expecting to build a strong enough support of his propaganda to stop NATO from succeeding. I don’t believe he will ever have that. America loves Europe.

But, this is Trump and what to expect. He is masterful at propaganda. He needs to realize there is no fighting in the streets in this civilized country. He expected the country to break out in violence. That hasn’t happened and no reason for a police state. He has it wrong. That level of violence does not fit the American character.

Trump is hoping for a Rodney King reaction. He wants it. He really does.

(Click here)

I think he looks like a gangster. But, no matter. When (consumer/taxpayer) anger accompanies hate; the hate is legitimized. It becomes intractable and very muscular.

The level of hate within the dialogues of the USA is very concerning. It is more overt than ever in the past. The willingness to be overtly hateful has a next step. Trump has no conscience.

(Click here)