Monday, March 10, 2025

Elections tomorrow in Greenland.

It expands the borders of a madman in the White House. Don’t do it. It puts Trump and Russia nearer to Europe and begins to cut off Canada on its east coast with Russia on the west coast.

Greenland has no autonomous military which would have to be established before any election. With such a small population it would have a militarized state police force similar to Jamaica. That means arming Greenland with weapons of war. The entire domestic picture would change.

For as much as Greenlanders want independence they should approach it with caution. Their independence will be traumatized by commercial interest by the petroleum industry. 

Trump doesn’t care about their blissful lives and beautiful country. He will seek control for exploitation. Their beautiful country will be scattered with invasion of commercial enterprise that will suck them dry and abandon them when profits dry up.

The children will not be better educated. Their elderly will not be more comfortable. Their health care will not improve. Their naivety will be exploited and that happy little country will no longer be at peace.