Why do children not show secondary sex characteristics until after a decade of life? The reason for that is a gland no one ever discusses. The pineal gland is located in the central regions of the brain and for most of it's active life, it suppresses secondary sex characteristics of male and female. When the child starts to show secondary sex characteristics they will have begun to produce hormones that provide for growth and change in the body of a human being.
There is basically little difference in male and female gender traits until the hormones start to be secreted. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas wants to know what occurs when a child is transgender and given hormones. Realizing that children are gonadally suppressed for their first decade of life and only have overt organ differences the hormones introduced to the child will begin to build their understanding of their sexuality.
For transgender children it is important to begin their secondary sex characteristics at the time cisgender children are beginning theirs. There is no reason to delay their growth and development as the gender they identify with for very good cause. They want to be feeling normal for the way they identify. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel like a boy if that is how a child identifies. As a matter of fact, for healthy adulthood a child should be growing into their adult bodies from the time the hormones tell them so. In the case of transgender children they need assistance in achieving the goal their genetics tell them is right and healthy.
So, while Justice Thomas is confused about the effects of hormones on children of different gender, what he doesn't get is the fact late childhood and early adolescence is the perfect time to start the hormones for that child. It matters a great deal that the children grow up knowing their bodies as they identify.
This is not a valid point of view for any practice of law.
To say, introducing hormones to a transgender child that will allow them to begin their NORMAL growth and development of their secondary sex characteristics is wrong is COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE ignorance of the natural state of the human body.
Here again, the political right wing is sticking their nose into business that is exclusively the practice of medicine. They pull the same stunt with abortion.
The law will never change a transgender child into a cisgender child. It is correct and prudent the transgender child receive their hormones when they need them. Human beings grow into their adult bodies all along the path of elementary school, junior high school, and high school. It is abusive to IMPOSE a female body on a transgender child that identifies as male.