Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Communist Donald Trump becomes president-elect and China attacks the USA treasury. That is more than a coincidence.

Our national security is compromised with Trump and Musk with access to the White House. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

It is a belief system we love.

 (Click here)

We have a right to our culture.

A single, solitary force for good.

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His accomplishments stretch across a lifetime of good works. He attracted the people most interested in a benevolent world. He and the Late First Lady Roselyn Carter were proud of their accomplishments and those that surrounded their lives. They were a remarkable couple.

My sincerest condolences to the Carter family. They surrounded the First Couple with love and support all these years. It was a long good-bye for remarkable people. I thank the family for their good care of the Late President and First Lady. 

California is not alone.

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What is going on in the Pacific? No one is testing bombs or some ridiculous nonsense like that, are they? 

The Pacific Plate is active, but, it is always bumping around. The quakes are mostly in the 4.4 range and nothing along Hawaii’s Hit Spot.

The world has a problem.

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Autopsies, if possible, might be helpful for analysis of cabin pressure and loss of oxygen. Altitude of strike can be determined. The pilots would have an oxygen supply to attempt landing.

There is no dealing with Russia. Full sanctions must go into place. This may be an involuntary attack by Russian Artificial Intelligence on the Free World.

If this is an out of control mission system Russia is indifferent about the launches simply because to disarm that aspect of the national military complex is worrisome. It currently would leave Russia without any defense and the generals ain’t that bright. Putin would order the system to continue to operate while their genius computer hacks fix it. It is most likely not repairable. If the system is out of control it has been before launches occurred. 

If these were voluntary releases of missiles then Russia has declared another military operation, AGAIN, without declaring war. 

There needs to be an emergency session called with the UN Security Council to end this madness. 

Vladimir Putin does not care about the Geneva Conventions and may even argue he has not declared war. Right now everyone and every country is at risk for citizens’ deaths. To say the airline industry is facing peril is an understatement.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Putin going to apologize for this one, too?

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A commercial airline landing is not laden with fuel. A tail section comes off and bursts into flames. Why does this seem more like a missile strike than an accident? 

Drone? Bird? Still doesn’t explain the explosion.

Only two people alive. I hope the USA checked radar. Russia’s AI weapons systems are out of control. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

The January 6th Committee has immunity from political wrath.

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The next appointment

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After all the antics of Ginny in elections and otherwise it looks as though Clarence may retire to provide MAGA with another appointee. 

Call 911 and keep driving by.

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After September 11, 2001 the country had a bit of an epiphany and caring about each other was paramount.

Things are different now. The incoming administration is violent and untrustworthy. That trickle’s down to effect society. We are entering a time as Americans where people carrying weapons think nothing of expressing aggression. There is permission for that behavior by incoming authorities in Washington, DC. with the enforcement of “the steal,” and releases from prison of insurgents with proven ideology of violence. 

Personal safety is being redefined. Caution is returning as a preferred social directive. There is no such thing as casual friends anymore.

It is a shame this is occurring to the USA, but, it is.


Canadians pay less tax. Trump is trying to stem the ideology of Americans moving permanently to Canada due to the assault on freedom and liberty by MAGA. The appointees to the cabinet place American lives in the balance.

The DOD needs more than an infomercial actor on the cabinet. 

The blue chart below is USA tax brackets.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Commercial healthcare for profit is simply wrong.

(Click here)

I did listen to the entire reflection of a brilliant surgeon. His testimony matters.

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Nationalized healthcare is at one end of the spectrum and concierge healthcare services at the other. Concierge healthcare services should be an enormous ethical violation as well as illegal.

The change of administration in Washington, DC will bring great dangers to the health of the American people, but, here again local control is the best control for improving accessibility to healthcare. Local ordinances to accessibility can become a state requirement. Mayors and councils need to accept the wellness of their people an agenda item. They can set standards hospitals must follow and insurance must provide.

Local authority must be sensitive to the needs of their citizens. Excellence cannot be compromised to a standard that is acceptable and mediocre.

Healthcare practice excellence is not really the issue, it is the chronic compromise practitioners and hospitals have to make to treat people that is the problem.

Healing and health needs greater focus to move away from “for profit” corporations. The curve toward HEALTH in America has to bend toward greater and greater wellness and away from unhealthy living practices.

No one wants to admit there is a healthcare crisis. The awareness of the healthcare crisis is on the rise because younger generations of conscience impacted by for profit Wall Street are rejecting their outcomes.

Wealth is a matter of conscience; to ignore it is folly. Wealth is not a destination, it is a journey that brings all people into better outcomes. It is completely immoral to profit while destroying lives.

The CEO standard of compensation by Wall Street stockholders is highly immoral, lacks insight to the end result of that compensation. Ruthlessness is not a moral vehicle. 

Stockholders are not blind, their demands of corporate investment must change other they won’t survive the conscience of generations to  come.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

First night of Chanukah

(Click here)

Wishing for peace.

Earth’s atmospheres create beautiful landscapes.

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Earth’s atmospheres should not be tampered with or taken for granted. We are the stewards of a beautiful planet we are already adapted to and the place we survive.

Earth is our common home.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Jubilee year of hope 2025

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Romans 12: 17-19

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It seems as though adhering to Bible teachings is inconvenient to a malignant narcissist.

Greensboro, North Carolina wants you.


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Monday, December 23, 2024

End of discussion.


What does Trump have on his loyalists?

(Clack here)

All that would have been leverage over outcomes with other countries if Gatez was made Secretary of Anything. 

Is this the way Trump will force his cabinet to carry out his ultimatums?

Trump and any cabinet member or others that carry out Trump’s work are not trustworthy. Trump’s value system is completely unethical, violates human rights, and victimizes     women. It is coercion. 

If Gatez was confirmed, if not indictable, could have easily been compromised by friend or foe. All anyone had to do was expose him to the public. Yet, he was Trump’s preferred candidate at a Presidential Cabinet level.  Trump has the pardon power so he can hold that over their heads, too. Demanding a Cabinet member act illegally would be followed up with an Attorney General avoiding prosecution, then comes the pardon. After all, according to the AG, Gatez did nothing wrong. And, the “sex thing” is between he and his wife.

This is what the American people and our allies have to look forward to, a president with an agenda in mind that has nothing to do with what is best for the country. That is the way it is with racketeering. The boss is clean as a whistle, but, everyone else around him are carrying out his dirty work, no different than Zinke and the national parks. Filling valuable forests and wildlife land with concrete parking lots, resort hotels, and gambling casinos is all racketeering. Trump doesn’t care, he has an AG that is as corrupt as he is. 

Trump’s racketeering plans cannot be investigated by the FBI, hence a new loyalist as Director. 

Gatez is the tip of the iceberg, not the conclusion.

Trump says it everyday; compromise, compromise, and more compromise. He has no answers the country needs. He simply compromises the country to make things go away.

Compromise followed by SUCCESS. Isn’t that his montra?

I am counting on soon to be Senator Majority Leader Thune to be the moral patriot as Former Vice President Pence was. Trump didn’t want Thune. Senator Thune’s background check must have been to clean for Trump. Where is he going to get leverage, certainly not with a moral patriot.

Trump, Junior needs to take his chainsaws elsewhere. It is unfortunate Trump’s daughter-in-law isn’t running for Rubio’s vacant Senate seat after all.

Christmas Eve starts a year of celebration.

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Sunday, December 22, 2024

NORAD needs to tell Santa that his GPS may need fine tuning.

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This is so cool.

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Honda has an electric car for purchase or a lease beginning at less than $260.00 per month. That is the most wonderful Christmas news I have heard yet.

Saving Earth is affordable!

ID beacons

Legislators need to demand all legally registered drones in the USA have in their chassis or main body compartment remote identification.

Currently the only ID required on the drones are labels. I believe those labels are issued by the FAA when the drone is registered.

To ensure proper identification the FAA has the responsibility of issuing identification frequencies. These frequencies must be identifiable and unique. The manufacturer cannot issue the frequencies.

Yes, it will increase the cost of registration, but, this is a public safety concern.

If every drone had their own identification frequency any concern about the flight of any particular drone can be known without continued mystery. It makes governance easier in that any unidentified drone is a threat and can be interrupted and brought down to land without damage or shot out of the sky where it won’t do damage as it fell. 

As far as I know these large drones being witnessed by civilians and military alike are illegal. Their flight paths are certainly and repeatedly illegal and if not should be.

As far as I know there is a limit to the size of remotely controlled plane and drones used for hobby and/or civilian research. 

A drone that can navigate winds over the ocean or large bodies of water are not civilian drones. Those are unmanned military aircraft that may or may not be armed.

(Click here)

The type of large drones being witnessed have been developed by USA military research for a long time. These aircraft are known to the military. They absolutely would be able to identify large drones. If the large drones belonged to the USA military they would have control of them. If not, the frequency being used to guide their path is probably detectable. 

If large drones flying over the USA and it’s navigable waters are not under the control of the military it would be classified and generals would be in discussions about them.

If the foreign drones were classified there is a very good chance the public would be safe because the USA military would be carrying out their own strategy. Drones that are a public nuisance are not a military concern so much as local authorities’ concern.

We live in difficult times. Dangerous times. Average people don’t always have the information they need, but, so far there have been no casualties that I am aware of or incidents that have caused damage to property by the drones being reported. THAT IS AN IMPORTANT FACT that propagandists seeking to increase fear and mistrust of government would ignore as important for the public to understand.


While we are all a bit frustrated at this point with increased and worrisome drone sightings there is a clear reassurance that the military is aware and there are is no hardship to date that has occurred.

There is a lot that goes on surrounding our lives that are unknown to us. Those activities keep us safe. I remain grateful for our democracy and what appears at times its failings. Democracy is hard, but, the alternatives are far worse.

I think transparency from the military is important. Local authorities need to know what they are dealing with to determine the best path forward.

Stay loyal to the USA Constitution. It is an enormously wonderful document that is always a work in progress.

No one believes ya, Joe.

Get off your duff in Delaware and hold a news conference with the USA military. 

(Click here)

I am certain the military has heard from this Coast Guard unit, so the unit needs to be at the news conference. 

The picture below is from Forbes. The drone issue is going to get worse on the proof December 25th. 

People need the truth and not a debriefed shrug of the shoulders. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

All drama, all the time.

There simply are no adults. Musk isn’t interested now in the USA, he turned to Germany to wreak havoc among elections there. Musk will be back. It is just that he got bored, while forcing his X-wife into bankruptcy in a custody fight. Musk is a jerk with too much money. 

It is a shame the drama goes on. Johnson has no spine.

These are plutocrats. They have managed since the economic collapse of 2007 to wrangle a lot of money out of the USA Treasury. Now, it is time to play. While people have real problems that need real solutions these bozos are playing games with the world.

Trump is backing away from the promises he made. He can’t do anything about grocery prices. Kamala had a plan. Trump can’t do anything about housing costs. Kamala had a plan. 

With health care being an issue again for some Americans, Kamala would have ripped the problem wide open to find a fix. That is not going to happen now. People need more than the right to demonstrate for good care, they need solutions. Those solutions don’t come without competent governance.

Oh, well.

Reality check.

The vote count. This appeared on “Reddit.”

People are very troubled. There must be a lot of people missing at the dinner table this holiday season. This is not a normal reaction for Americans. What goes on?

Good healthcare shouldn’t require activists to point to the faults of the system. Healthcare should be easy to access, have answers to problems, and provide a somewhat carefree life with anticipated longevity. What goes on?

There is no crime in journalists addressing these problems in our society. It is better for structured investigations as only journalists can carry out, and valid, truthful information without the politics. There are people in America hurting this much. Why?

Every American should be experiencing the beauty of this season. They aren’t. Why?

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thank you, Prosecutor Willis.

The case is intact and can move forward when possible. Prosecutor Fani Willis made a strong case and kept it that way.

I wish her, her family and friends Happy Holidays. 

Stay off social media

We are on our own with a South African for president that does not care about us. 

Social media provides intelligence to those seeking to ruin our country. Take concerns to local government meetings and work up the latter until issues are resolved. The Blue States are ready for this. Go forward with independence, freedom, and confidence.

Happy Holidays.

On this day in 1843 the first edition of “A Christmas Carol” was published. Read and be read to. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Ho, hum.

The Republicans are mindless without Trump. 

They want to eliminate “Democratic giveaways.”

Like the funds to complete the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The lawsuit proceedings are slated to have returns deposited into the USA Treasury, so the funding will be returned. 

Like allowing Haitian imports that are duty free. 

Has the provision to pay our soldiers their increase already been passed? It’s Christmas. Our soldier families need cheer this holiday season. 

Come on, the Democrats need a megaphone louder than anyone else. Let’s go. Fight back. This is nothing but propaganda nonsense.

I just love how the politically corrupt run around ranting and raving about how unfair the spending is.  OMG the sending is so unfair. 


They can’t tell anyone exactly where the cuts need to occur. By all means, Trump and Musk should point out exactly where the pork is.  Besides Grassley’s congressional pay raise, where is all the pork?

Farmers are getting stiffed. Musk can’t keep promises like bring the astronauts back from the ISS, but, he can run around all over Washington ranting on about politics. Whom is running the SpaceX store? 

Where is Former Vice President Mike Pence when you need him?

The primary difference this term with “The Don,” is the magnificent patriot by the name of Mike Pence, the guiding light of the USA Constitution. Instead, the country faces intimidation and oppression. Intimidation and oppression is NOT a democracy, freedom, liberty, or a reflection of the power of the USA Constitution.

To quote Firmer President George W. Bush, “We are a nation of laws, not men.” In the case of Trump, we are not a nation of laws, but, if one man’s revenge authority. 

I might add, Mike Pence is a devout Christian who stood his ground with Trump at a time a noose was waiting for him with his family to witness. That is called a reality check. Waving the POLITICAL Bible does not make one an authority of the Bible, the Second Coming of Christ, or less of a criminal and corrupt authority.

This is from a subscription of Robert Reich.

These CEOs are very accustom to dealing with communists. They are doing with Trump the same thing they do with communists in China and at one time Russia. They will NOT turn the USA into a communist stronghold. I do believe they had to “pay up.” One million, wasn’t it? That is intimidation and corruption as if there is not daylight between Trump and them. Shame on every one of them.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

We have witnessed Trump’s fear mongering.

The USA military sent a two star general to speak to the public about the reported drone sightings. The good general stated while the department has not identified every flying object over the country (which I think is really good truth telling) there is no threat to the people.


Trump comes out defaming the military and basically said, “Don’t trust the government, trust me.” 

Well, I don’t think so.

I THINK Former Governor Chris Christy stated it the best, “I have drones flying over my home and it is an invasion of privacy.”

The point the USA military is stating their assessment is that flying machines over the country are benign, isn’t really the point. I have said this before. The point is as the former governor stated, “…it is an invasion of privacy.”

The public has a RIGHT TO GOVERN. Let me state that again.


One more time.

The public has a right to govern. As a matter of fact, the Former Governor Christy, no different than any other homeowner has a right to the airspace above their land. Got that?

When an American purchased land with or without a home on it, they OWN the mineral rights under that land as well as the airspace above that land. Basically all the AIR COLUMN reaching to the outer most limits of Earth’s atmospheres are a part of the deed to every landowner in the USA.

Communists don’t own land.

Stop to think about that a minute. Anyone pay attention to NASA’S announcements of the location of the ISS? At the time NASA announces the presence of the ISS being visual to the naked eye, it is flying through atmosphere owned by the Americans looking up at the ISS.


Do we get to charge tolls of the ISS? Of course not, because we as a country decided we wanted the ISS to fly around the Earth. Additionally, we get benefits from the ISS flying around Earth. Ask any schoolchildren.

The point to all the concerns of Americans regarding drones is that it is real and palpable. As Americans we have a right to govern and we don’t want them there. We just don’t. That is 100 percent okay.

So, since we have a right to govern and don’t want drones invading OUR and our PRIVACY; we are putting them on the agenda and passing laws to protect ourselves from them causing any problem.

Just that simple. It isn’t that government is wrong, it is just the fact we are right and we want to givers our airspace before anyone else takes those rights away from us.

Good night. Sleep knowing your property’s air space is safe from causing problems. 

Govern as a community.

Be happy. I do believe that is a right as well. Isn’t it the Preamble to the USA Constitution that states, “…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…” or was that the Declaration of Independence?

Russia is losing the world for the sake of Putin’s politics.

Russian President Putin sits somewhere in the world cozy and safe while all around him suffer. When will he stop fighting a special
military operation and start peaceful reconciliation with the world?

Putin called his slaughter of Syrians a special military operation, too.

Today the Russian people are waking up to two dead military chemical weapon specialists, dead North Korean troops, and sinking dilapidated Russian oil tankers in the Black Sea under rough seas due to a severe storm. The oil slick is enormous. 

(Click here)

Monday, December 16, 2024

Trump’s Hush Money Cass was decided by a jury. That matters.


There is a problem with Iranians supplying drones and their parts to terrorists abroad. The two arrests in Massachusetts were Iranians. They were assisting with drones in the Middle East killing our soldiers.

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First there were India mafia in California hiding in plain sight and assassinating a Sikh activist in Canada, and now Iranians operating a munition network to kill our troops. 

The federal authorities are stating the New Jersey drones are all manned planes. The federal government is going to have to release data to make their statement believable.

New Jersey citizens were convinced there was something nefarious going on. They know what they saw and to them nothing was normal. If the federal authorities sincerely want to give these citizens peace of mind, they need to be transparent about their fact finding.

Juvenile case loads fell under Obama.

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This document was published to bring awareness of the impact on Juvenile detentions by the pandemic. But, take a close look at those graphs. Before the pandemic and starting with 2009, the year of Obama’s inauguration, juvenile justice cases dropped precipitously. Granted the pandemic had an impact due to school closures and home sheltering, but, the statistics under Obama are historical. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024


(Click  here)

Former Governor Chris Christie is reporting drone sightings over his home. That should not be happening. He is a public figure. 

They are drones.

(Click here)

It is a real threat. Chinese balloons weren’t enough, now they are carrying out reconnaissance from within the country. 

It is up to the states to secure national security. MAGA jerks are communist sympathizers. Just that simple.

Massachusetts arrested two people, too.

Look, Trump illegally took national classified documents to Mar-a-lago. He has completely compromised this country and wise guy Musk thought it would be fun to own
Trump and the federal government. Trump is a traitor and he will sell this country out and join his buddies in Russia to live a life of luxury. 

Enough! We need to take care of ourselves. The money DOGE steals from the budget of the American people needs to go right into paying loans to Social Security.

The people in this country know what goes on and the MAGA voters that aren’t “on the take” will come around when things start to go wrong for them.

Trump is already admitting he lied about the price of groceries. 

This is all the plutocrats acting badly. Musk the worst of them. Until things are back to normal there absolutely no reason to invest in Space X. The only Earthly emergency is the climate crisis. We don’t need more space tourism or wild ideas we can be living on Mars next year. That is propaganda to rob the USA Treasury. Space X wouldn’t exist with the USA Treasury.

Bill Gates made his money honestly through the processes of free enterprise. Ask Bill Gates what his salary has been compared to his peers. Go ahead, ask him. Why? Because he loved the company and invention and the people of his company more than he loved money. Bill Gates will even tell anyone who wants to know, that his tax burden is less because he doesn’t soak the company dry. Bill
Gates doesn’t want for anything.

Warren Buffet will say the same thing. His fortune became such a burden that he found it better to give it to others than keep it himself. He still has plenty of money to spend on the people he loves and cares for. 

Jeff Bezos sees his space venture as a way to remove polluting industry into the vacuum of space rather than into the biosphere of Earth.

There are responsible people that are wealthy and earned it honestly. Musk and Trump do not have good intentions or visions for our country. 

End of discussion!

National Guard must be READY to respond.

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If cities assess the National Guard is insufficient in readiness to address drone fly overs then cities need to align and purchase their own fleet. Preferably plane size drones. It is going to be a difficult topic with the public as to the size drone law enforcement has and whether or not they are armed.

It bothers me that a drone being simply followed evaded non threatening surveillance to prevent detection of the source and operator.

I will put this plainly. There is a President-elect that cozies up to communists and invites them to inaugural celebrations as if they were friends and cronies. I don’t trust him. I think he could give permission of absolute terror in the skies. With artificial intelligence it is a worry. 

Airports need to up their game with radar as well, including small airports.

Yes, I am saying we are our own defense. To the point we may need a parallel unofficial federal advisement structure for the 50 states, not just party affiliations.

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It is aggression.

That cannot be ignored. 

In the link above a drone is indescribable by the WITNESS. That could have easily been a military size drone that could even have been weaponized.

Most Americans, including local and state elected officials have no clue about drones. The word used domestically usually relates to toy like recreational use. That use should not be discouraged, but, only regulated to protect the public from accidents or malicious use.

There is also the issue of exhaust fumes, too. The exhaust of engine powered drones should meet clean air standards set for them. These things are flying at questionable altitudes over water supplies.

I find it very interesting this phenomenon is occurring over the most densely populated state of the 50 states. A cataclysmic event in one such state would have a deep impression of the country. I am talking “oppression” of a nature similar to that after September 11th when privacy became unimportant. This time it is about obedience to a hostile federal government making plans to round up people.

It is wise for elected officials at all levels to get up to speed on this topic AND formulate solutions to the problems. 

Elected officials have their own responsibilities. The fact they are unaware of an issue in the popular culture is not surprising. The concerned public needs to attend meetings to be sure their concerns are understood. Once the concerns are understood, then formulating an understanding to the solution can begin. Basically, a concern becomes an agenda item. Once on the agenda the concern can move to resolution to satisfaction of all concerned.

Yes, I think drones need to be an agenda item.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

It is cold.

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What can we do to help Moldova? Airlift heating equipment? There is electricity in Moldova. Solar panels for batteries that power portable generators. There has to be something we can do.

Moldova is an important regional ally. It helps with peacekeeping in Kosovo. Or at least it did. They need answers for very unexpected outcomes for the people there. 

New Jersey drones

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The federal authorities are missing the point with drones. It doesn’t matter if the aircraft are manned or not.

The citizens of New Jersey don’t want these problems, be they actual or anticipated. They are allowed to codify the use of drones in New Jersey or any municipality in any state that believes the hobby can be an imposition on people’s lives for whatever reason it is.

Government can govern. Police should not have to worry about a common fear of people if there are regulations that can add sanity to living. The people don’t have to accept fear in their lives. The people want government to remove plausible threats from becoming reality.

Congratulations to the federal authorities in resolving national security concerns. Thank you. There is every reason to believe this administration, as it has been 100% correct in acknowledging the threats in Ukraine. I am certain the federal authorities are 100% correct in their assessment regarding the skies of New Jersey. The people are still allowed to regulate drones. 

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Russia is known to be sending similar drones over US military bases in the UK. That by itself is an act of war. Russia is not allowed to enter any airspace for any reason. 

Let me get this right.

(Click here)

Trump just admitted to sexual abuse of a woman.


He did. He settled a so called defamation case whereby George Stephanopoulos stated 
Ms. Carroll was raped, but, due to the length of time since the rape it is only considered sexual abuse by New York rule of law. Trump agreed it was sexual abuse to get the money. 

So, to make nice, nice with Trump’s anticipated FCC, ABC paid $15 million to Trump’s library fund. It is shameful that honest American media is being pilloried by an arrogant, self-serving political figure. This attack on free speech is Anti-American. That is exactly what Trump and his minions are doing. They are removing freedom of speech with attempts at defaming the free press. 

Did a judge approve the settlement, because, the description of Trump’s sexual assault of Ms. Carroll in a woman’s commercial dressing room where she thought she was safe, is not sexual abuse; it was rape. He put his bare penis into her vagina. Considering the statement by Stephanopoulos was made to the public I think she has something to say about a settlement that diminishes her pain and decades of emotional suffering to sexual abuse. Not to mention that if Trump were carrying any sort of infection Ms. Carroll was at risk of contracting it.

Sexual assault of any woman is not to be dismissed as anything except what it actually is or was.

Friday, December 13, 2024

New Jersey has a right of self-defense.

(Click here)

It is time to act. Shoot them down. The caution is not the fault of the State Police. Unmanned drones used recreationally are owned by someone, registered, and expensive. The State Police are simply respecting private property that hasn’t posed a real danger to anyone. But, the danger is growing.

Initially, the public has to be warned the unidentified drones are becoming a public nuisance at the very least and a growing public concern with potential danger especially since they are now chasing Coast Guard boats and consistently flying over public water reservoirs. 

People that own unmanned drones that are legally registered need to be given the opportunity to keep them safe from being shot down.

The Coast Guard is still a military unit and have the practice of not shooting until shot upon. That is basically a USA law enforcement standard. I don’t like the fact the origins of the drones are mostly unknown and now are reported as flying in from the ocean. The USA has enemies and they can be sitting in international waters sending in these drones for intelligence and in preparation of a change in leadership in the USA.

New Jersey government at any level has a right to limit airspace to what are a growing number of drones causing ALARM with the public. Drones are one of Iran’s favorite play toys and Russians have a successful navy. Basically, I think anything goes.

New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the 50 states. Public annoyance with these stupid flying machines with the holidays approaching is simply not a good idea. Law enforcement, including the Coast Guard have a right to know what this is all about, whether or not to continue to allow it, and to discontinue the flight of any drone at any time.

Public water supplies should never be under threat by even exhaust fumes.

Many people will receive unmanned drones as gifts this holiday season. Areas can be designated for safe use for recreational drones, like idle fairgrounds, for the safety of the public. But, for those that want to fly over beautiful landscapes or ocean vistas, notification should be mandatory to local authorities. That can be accommodated online.

The New Jersey public has been through enough with all the rough weather that has come their way and fights between drones overhead is dangerous and irresponsible. People don’t need unmanned drones crashing into the Christmas or holiday displays, plate glass windows, or roofs. Enough already. There is a way for the public to be satisfied recreationally while ending annoyance and danger.

No, I don’t live in New Jersey, but, I can be worried for the people there. Find out where Bannon is parking his yacht these days.