Monday, December 23, 2024

What does Trump have on his loyalists?

(Clack here)

All that would have been leverage over outcomes with other countries if Gatez was made Secretary of Anything. 

Is this the way Trump will force his cabinet to carry out his ultimatums?

Trump and any cabinet member or others that carry out Trump’s work are not trustworthy. Trump’s value system is completely unethical, violates human rights, and victimizes     women. It is coercion. 

If Gatez was confirmed, if not indictable, could have easily been compromised by friend or foe. All anyone had to do was expose him to the public. Yet, he was Trump’s preferred candidate at a Presidential Cabinet level.  Trump has the pardon power so he can hold that over their heads, too. Demanding a Cabinet member act illegally would be followed up with an Attorney General avoiding prosecution, then comes the pardon. After all, according to the AG, Gatez did nothing wrong. And, the “sex thing” is between he and his wife.

This is what the American people and our allies have to look forward to, a president with an agenda in mind that has nothing to do with what is best for the country. That is the way it is with racketeering. The boss is clean as a whistle, but, everyone else around him are carrying out his dirty work, no different than Zinke and the national parks. Filling valuable forests and wildlife land with concrete parking lots, resort hotels, and gambling casinos is all racketeering. Trump doesn’t care, he has an AG that is as corrupt as he is. 

Trump’s racketeering plans cannot be investigated by the FBI, hence a new loyalist as Director. 

Gatez is the tip of the iceberg, not the conclusion.

Trump says it everyday; compromise, compromise, and more compromise. He has no answers the country needs. He simply compromises the country to make things go away.

Compromise followed by SUCCESS. Isn’t that his montra?

I am counting on soon to be Senator Majority Leader Thune to be the moral patriot as Former Vice President Pence was. Trump didn’t want Thune. Senator Thune’s background check must have been to clean for Trump. Where is he going to get leverage, certainly not with a moral patriot.

Trump, Junior needs to take his chainsaws elsewhere. It is unfortunate Trump’s daughter-in-law isn’t running for Rubio’s vacant Senate seat after all.