Saturday, June 29, 2024

Misinformation about “Bear Spray.”

(Click here)

I have reviewed the use of bear spray once before on this blog. Since the National Park Service has recently issued caution in regard to our national parks and bears I believed it would be best to review this issue.

The link above is a YouTube video that shows exactly the best stance to use if there is a bear throttling toward a person. However, what is not mentioned is the fact bears can travel very fast. Scientists list their speed at 30 mph, but, there have been reports of 35 mph. Why is that important? Because while bear spray is very effective the bear(s) can be upon a person before being able to deploy the spray. Also a person when frightened tends to be flustered rather than organized. For the person(s) heading into the wilderness or wilderness area (including national parks) be well practiced both in deploying the bear spray and maintaining confidence to be accurate and effective.

If entering a national park for pleasure, exercise, adventure, or enjoyment please check the National Park Service website and read about the park before arriving to it. 

(Click here)

Enter the national park of interest into the search 🔍 icon. Then ask it to search and it will go to the national park of interest home page.

The description will discuss the wildlife at the park and the best way to enjoy viewing them.

Below is a brand of bear spray that is very popular.

This particular spray is a 2 percent concentration. It is noted this can be purchased at Home Depot. Home Depot even adds an attractive offer to discount the purchase if the consumer is interested. 

I have not researched the concentration’s effectiveness, but, there should be a consumer report somewhere that discusses the concentration needed. The US EPA does not test bear or mountain lion spray for effectiveness.

There is information floating around the net that bear spray is prohibited in the national parks and that is not accurate. There are some national parks that don’t have these particular wildlife within its borders and such spray could pose a danger if used as a toy in a family campground area. So for those reasons bear spray may be restricted. Again, search the National Park Service website and look for information about the park.

(Click here)

In the link
Immediately above this notation about “Bear Horn” there is a good discussion about bear deterrence and mountain lion deterrence. 

There are good precautions that really should apply to anyone leaving civilization to enjoy the outdoors including traveling in a group rather than alone. Making noise is another effective method to let wildlife know there are people on the land that may normally be their exclusive territory. Large mammals tend to be territorial. Any surprise happening within their territory is going to result in a confrontation. By making noise, including playing a favorite tune or plenty of welcome conversation, it will alert the wildlife and provide time to alter their plans to cross the path of persons within their territory.

Going into the wilderness is not child’s play. Knowing the lay of the land and the wildlife within it is really the best way to enjoy the experience. 

Please, please, when visiting the National Parks FOLLOW the RULES. Those rules are well thought out from research over decades. Those rules, even if they are inconvenient to a picture opportunity or seem over protective and silly, they are not. The rules in the National Parks were written to ensue safety for the tourists and the wildlife. The Park Rangers know what they are doing. They care about the land, the wildlife, and the people that love it as much as they do. 

Know the wilderness and the outcome to a planned experience and enjoy America’s wilderness for the pristine beauty that lies there.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Finally, people that love the country.

(Click here) I think the author sees Trump as a threat and not a president. He thinks Trump won the debate, but, also believes it is enough to motivate a change in a Democratic candidate. I think he really loves the country at the heart of his essay and is looking for someone to vote for who does as well. In this is a bit of a prayer to move the country forward to protect our democracy.

Joe Biden came out of retirement after being Vice President. He ended a destructive Republican in the White House. Can he do it again? He needs to think it through and do what is best for the country.

Joe originally said he would be there for one term. He has to reflect on that statement today.

The Debate

I was reading The Guardian and there were some interesting points made by several commentators. The overall thinking is concern for another Trump presidency, but, the observation was made that while discussing Biden’s performance might be interesting discussion of a chronic gerontocracy in the USA, but, to avoid the discussion of Trump’s fact free answers is a mistake as well.

It was also stated the debate platform was grueling without an audience as well as the raising of President Biden’s strong and successful policies as a point to his governance.

Europe is worried though.

The communists aren’t saying much and certainly nothing friendly.

Israel is busy with the war. There are drones into northern Israel that are forcing Shabbat into bomb shelters. There is an overall feeling that Biden did not do himself any favors and Thomas Friedman’s article in The NY Times is featured asking the Democrats to rescue the race to a better nominee. There is also an editorial I believe that wants the IDF to pre-emptively strike Hezbollah. There is less trouble than more with Hezbollah in Lebanon at the moment. It would be best to dialogue with Nasrallah. He is the closest thing to a head of state for Hezbollah. I always got the feeling Nasrallah was hesitant about a conflict with the IDF. 

Today, internationally, Biden is not popular. 

The path forward is a real decision.

The American people cannot forget it was only 1865 when a civil war ended in this country. Not quite 160 years ago slavery ended. It was far more recent that minority rights came into view, ie: Rosa Parks. By all rights any hatred should be gone in 160 years or 8 generations of Americans, yet it still remains.

Donald John Trump embodies that hatred and promises to carry it forward. The American Civil War and the fight for individual rights AND safety is not over.

Trump uses fear to stir people’s alertness and then proceeds to carry out an agenda of violence to achieve an end to the fear HE CREATED.

The American people must center themselves on civil inclusiveness without fear of THE OTHER.

This is a democracy above all else. Our children and grandchildren are to CONTINUE to inherit the freedom hard fought for on the battlefield as well as the labors of previous generations that struggled domestically to maintain an openness to opportunity that is the birth right of every American.

We are witnessing an open assault against the Rule of Law, including stare desis as never before witnessed by this Supreme Court. 

The fight for freedom and equality is not over. Our freedoms need to be better secured when hanging in the balance of a politically active Supreme Court. This 2024 election can be pivotal or it can be a steady path forward to freedom and democracy.

Americas should not lose their footing in their understanding of their steadfast belief in their Constitution and the Rule of Law and benevolent leadership void of an agenda of violence and hatred.

It is a political court.

(Click here)

The Robert’s Court doesn’t care about the people, only words and a far right interpretation of the words. They never really granted the legal standing of mifepristone, they only ruled the parties involved had no standing to make their claim. Mifepristone will be outlawed if Trump is elected. 

The same thing with the January 6th rioter. He was there physically in the Capitol and participated in a riot that disrupted official proceedings. How is that not an issue for prosecution ? They don’t care about the country, only their politics. 

The Supreme Court is beginning to define anarchy within the borders of this country. It is going to be interesting to watch them turn this land into a theocracy when it approves of the mandatory teaching of the Bible. That will end the rights of any difference, diversity, free thinkers, or invention if everything has to be defined within the definition of Christianity. There is a hatred of freedom in the right wing in the USA. They want a white Christian man conformity. It is going to be bad.

The American people need to get this right, otherwise, by the time they realize what is happening it will be too late.

NASA needs to send a reentry vehicle.

(Click here

I am sure NASA is checking for rocket fired at space satellite to determine how this happened. The Boeing ship isn’t flight worthy and astronauts have to return to Earth. Boeing’s ship can return to Earth without the astronauts.

What the heck is going on with Russia? Something similar occurred when the Soviet Union broke up. Their astronauts were in space a long time until there was someone at the helm again.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trump is a criminal and plans to stay that way.

Trump has no plan for climate except to let it get worse. I think he pandered to Big Oil money when he stammered a bit, “…the liquid gold under our feet, oil and gas…” Trump is a plutocrat transfixed on money and how to get it no matter the degree of crime involved. It is the way he ran his business and it is his world view.

This debate was before the conventions.

Trump is politically agile, but, a liar that INTENDS the people of the USA harm.

Biden is Biden. He is steadfast and honest, but, his aged appearance and inability to appear youthful is a problem for him. The last thing he wants is to lose this democracy. He will do the right thing for the country. Debating isn’t his strong suit, but, his love for this country is. I think his stuttering got the best of him tonight.

Trump will never agree to a two country outcome with Israel and Palestine. 

He said, “We’ll see.” That means no and he turned to talk about great trade deals with Europe. He is a snake oil salesman.

(Click here)

(Click here) The wealth gap between Black Americans and Caucasian Americans is a ratio of at least $1 vs. $100. Making choices to work is not simple and they often will stay home because of the cost of childcare. 

Trump has no plan for SSI, only Republican rhetoric (click here) Economic growth under Biden has been significant while the solvency of SSI has not improved. There is no Republican plan that will work. 

A significant amount of inflation is due to ocean shipping costs which escalated uncontrollably during the pandemic. They improved under Biden but are once again an issue became of the violence in the Middle East, the Houthis, Iranians, and the Suez Canal. 

Trump is a snake oil salesman. He is attempting to create his own reality.

Biden is straying from the subject at hand. 

Late term abortion was and is illegal.

The ban Trump instituted was due to the pandemic. It was no longer relevant when it expired.

“We need to get them out of the country and fast…” It is spelled I.C.E. rounding up the undocumented. Trump uses fear to exaggerate the topic into a reality that does not exist so he can institute extremist policies.

Russia is having a great deal of internal violence. It is not due to Ukraine attacks. Putin is having a difficult time with internal peace as well as attempting to destroy Ukraine.

Afghanistan today is attempting to build a tourist economy. I wouldn’t go, but, some countries are interested. It used to be a haven for conservationists.

Money, money, money. The reason Trump is attractive to plutocrats. Biden is asking all the million-billionaires to pay 20 percent. He will never get there vote.

This is what my phone looks like. If this is what goes on within our voting system it will be a disaster.

Don’t expect good behavior from Trump.

I fully expect Trump to make a scene every time he has an open microphone. 

To be clear, a thug like Trump doesn’t deserve to be on any debate stage. His rallies reflect who he is politically.

I have no doubt he will be an enormous disappointment to most everyone that tuned in with an open mind to hear about the issues.

This is not new criminal behavior for Trump.

(Click here

He likes to cover things up. Ask Michael Cohen. It was called hush money for a reason. While he was married to his current spouse he cheated with two women, both in the sex business, both nude model, and then he tried to cover it up direct and indirect payment through a tabloid to silence them as he ran for president.

This is more of the same nefarious behavior when about to be found to have done something wrong. 

He doesn’t belong in the White House, he never did.

This is NOT an emergency. This is corruption.

(Click here)

Every change in rules and status the EPA makes is based in consideration of the extensive public comment period. The idea there is an emergency is a legal TRICK without any basis in fact.

The Robert’s Court is an incompetent political hack to the Plutocracy. There can be no emergency that has grown out of the legal and extensive process used by federal authorities. This is all manipulation of the law and not competent practice of the law.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The devastation of the continuing Climate Crisis is unknown to people until they witness it for themselves.

This is only part of what occurred in Nebraska June of 2024. There are tornadoes appearing everywhere from parking lots to golf courses. EF 2s are frequent. 

I am growing weary of the Age Discrimination in the media.

March 11, 2024
By Daniel J. Stone

Studies show (click here) that high-functioning seniors like the president compensate for slower reaction time by applying superior knowledge and judgment. The presidency is not a job that requires lightning-quick reflexes. Time-tested judgment offers far more than speed in speech or decision-making....

Ageism (click here) involves stereotyping or discriminating against people based on their age and can occur both in the workplace and in your personal life. Ageism can be directed at older adults and young people alike. However, our culture tends to glorify youth, so older adults are more often the victims of age-based discrimination and negativity.

Ageism can take root early in life. Even as children, we begin to pick up on the idea that aging is an unsatisfying process and older adults are incapable of taking care of themselves. These messages can show up in the media we consume. Just picture commercials that promise to reverse “unsightly” age lines or television shows that depict older adults as clueless and frail. Ageist messaging can also be passed along through jokes and casual comments from family members and friends....

There are aspects of the USA media that are really terrible. They do not understand the Middle Class, except, to solicit their vote in anyway they can. They don't care to understand the vast difference in unions, minority opportunities and the American Middle Class since President Biden took office. They just want to find that Wall Street Look and have it dominate the media pages once again. You know, the gold plated American Express Card carrying American that works in some of the most menial jobs in this country. Those Wall Street types. Right? That would be so much better than this old man in the White House.

December 30, 2019
By Joe Kita

About 35 percent of the U.S. population is now age 50 or older. (click here) Yet, in 2018, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — the nation’s workforce watchdog — issued a damning special report on age discrimination against older Americans. It concluded that even though 50 years had passed since Congress outlawed the practice, “age discrimination remains a significant and costly problem for workers, their families and our economy.”

Victoria Lipnic, the EEOC’s acting chair at the time, went so far as to compare it to harassment: “Everyone knows it h
appens every day to workers in all kinds of jobs, but few speak up. It’s an open secret.”...

Joe Biden is a great president and First Lady Jill is remarkable. She carries her families concerns proudly in her day to day role with the President. They are both very remarkable people with a great deal of insight as to what the USA democracy means to the 54 percent of Americans identifying as Middle Class (click here).

The Plutocrats feel threatened. They are scared there might be less money in their pockets and the end to achieve the First Trillionaire might be in jeopardy.

I DON'T WANT TO HEAR how a President as fine a person as Joe Biden is being demeaned in any way, shape, or form. He has a great deal of experience in the capacity of fighting the good fight. He knows what it takes to build alliances, make them stronger, and protect the freedoms Americans enjoy.



The Ageism being practiced in some of the media in the USA is a disgrace and certainly is not appreciated anywhere in the rest of the world where aging is viewed as WISDOM.

President Biden is aware of American's concerns about his birthdate. He also has chosen one of the best Vice President's in the world. She is a remarkable human being and leads not only a country with dignity, but, a family of achievers. Every American has every reason to be proud of Vice President Kamala Harris and her Second Gentleman Douglas.

The Second Gentleman (click here) delivers remarks at the Department of Labor’s Equity in Focus Summit on Thursday, September 22, 2022 

Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff isn't just at his spouse's side to wave to the crowd, he is involved in promoting a good life for all Americans.

The "thing" about President Biden is that he is very aware of his differences, including his disability of stuttering. So, as a role model he is remarkable. There is opportunity for anyone in the USA, and he intends to be that example to all those that care about freedom and it's potential to bring all Americans to the table with the talent a country this size needs in order to move forward and tackle the hard problems facing it.

The American media needs to stop looking for problems with President Biden and seek out the remarkable achievements that are solely his to date. 

What is the expression? 

Oh, yeah. "We aren't getting older, we are getting better."

March 1, 2023
By Kristen Weir

Vol. 54 No. 2
Print version: page 36

Psychologists are examining the age discrimination (click here) that pervades American culture and helping people to reimagine healthier relationships with their older selves...

"Opps" (AKA The Robert's Court Tabloid Media Reports during election years)

Again? This is happening again?

...US Supreme Court’s decision (click here) in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade. This represents a rate of 15.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age,* and is a 11% increase since 2020,...

The Republican response to women needing an abortion to save their lives is to end the FEDERALLY MANDATED laws and proceed as if a woman has no emergencies due to pregnancy. That is what these lawsuits are about. Idaho and Texas WANT TO CLEARLY end the power of the federal government to decide what is best for the American people from sea to shining sea. 

States Rights do not ensure that state legislatures can override federal law when it applies to every citizen EQUALLY in the USA. State Rights are about exceptions to federal law ONLY when the circumstances of the particular state apply. Last I checked women in Texas and Idaho all were women with uterus no different than women in 48 other states. The States have no authority to override FEDERALLY LEGISLATED REQUIREMENTS to ensure the health and well being of every American woman.

Do I have to state the obvious? The Robert's Court is incompetent. Why not leak the pentagon secrets while they are at it? I am sure Trump would appreciate an update for Putin.

In the graph above and the text accompanying it, it is noted the incidence of abortion are increasing since the Trump Supreme Court Political Right Wing Extremists overturned Roe v. Wade. Why? Anyone's guess, but, it is most likely that the extremist right wing states are demanding abortions earlier and earlier so women are reacting to the fear of not having access at a later time. They are basically panicked into acting without fully considering their options. 

Trump's Political Right Wing Extremist Supreme Court DO NOT TRUST WOMEN and assign them second class citizen decisions.

June 26, 2024
By Michael Macagnone

The Supreme Court (click here) inadvertently posted on its website briefly Wednesday morning a version of an opinion that one news report suggested would for now prevent Idaho from enforcing its abortion ban in emergency rooms.

Bloomberg News reported that the court briefly posted an opinion in one of the two cases about the state’s abortion law and its interaction with the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, or EMTALA.

The court hasn’t announced an opinion, meaning the briefly posted version isn’t necessarily the final ruling. Bloomberg reported that it got the copy that appeared briefly on the court’s website as the justices were issuing two other opinions Wednesday morning, and a reporter later published the document....

Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) (click here)

In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented.

Memorandum Summary (click here)

Pursuant to the preliminary injunction in Texas v. Becerra, No. 5:22-CV-185-H (N.D. Tex.), HHS may not enforce the following interpretations contained in the July 11, 2022, CMS guidance (and the corresponding letter sent the same day by HHS Secretary Becerra): 

(1) HHS may not enforce the Guidance and Letter’s interpretation that Texas abortion laws are preempted by EMTALA; and 

(2) HHS may not enforce the Guidance and Letter’s interpretation of EMTALA—both as to when an abortion is required and EMTALA’s effect on state laws governing abortion—within the State of Texas or against the members of the American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA).

June 26, 2024
By John Fritz

...The court’s three liberals (click here) argued in a concurrence written by Justice Elena Kagan that the court erred when it allowed the state to enforce the law temporarily while the Supreme Court considered the case. The state ban, Kagan wrote, “prevents hospitals from doing” what the federal law commands. The decision “will again give Idaho women access to all the needed medical treatments that EMTALA guarantees.”

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, in a separate concurrence joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, made a slightly different point. Barrett argued that Idaho appears to be able to enforce its ban “in the vast majority of circumstances.”

Barrett’s point is that she doesn’t believe there’s a significant conflict between the Biden administration and Idaho because of changes that were made to the Idaho law as the litigation unfolded.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gag Order for a former president.

It is astounding a gag order was ever needed of a former President of the United States of America. Trump more than realizes the power of the presidency, including how power can inspire people to act violently.

There was one other time in USA history when violently angry men attempted to INSPIRE violence. Iran’s holy men actually have their god to bring about the aspirations of violence against innocent people, but, the terrorists have to count on hitting an emotional tie with those so inclined to violence.

Donald John Trump is not a good person who seeks the presidency of this country for the right reasons. He wants power to improve his personal circumstances. He wants to be an autocrat that shuts down the government except where it pleases him. Giving Donald John Trump four more years to dismantle this democracy and replace it with fear and unending misery is unconscionable. Every person in this country will be adversely affected by the last presidency this country will ever see.

Donald John Trump knows how to inspire violence. He longs for the power to do it if no other reason but personal satisfaction in retribution to the witnesses of the truth necessary to bring a guilty verdict to a man that treats women as objects and not persons deserving respect.

A gag order was necessary to maintain the rule of law in the Trump case, does anyone believe this former president cares about our democracy that operates because of the rule of law? No one in this country should be willing to vote for such a monster.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Harbor Freight

One thing Democrats don’t do nearly enough of is how to beat inflation, like the folks at Harbor Freight. Like Kohl’s and Target offering their own form of currency with each purchase. I think Kohl’s is Kohl Dollars.

(Click here)

It is so popular it has its own Reddit page.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Containing radiation contamination in space.

(Click here)

Nature publications are among the best comprehensive information to scientists. Below is the current cover to “nature materials.” I have been reading this since it’s inception in 2002 (click here). I do not believe human beings are going to find a type of material that repels the solar wind. Please think about the feat of such an accomplishment. Is it realistic?

I know how important the space program is to Americans, so let me make a wild prediction of what I think will ultimately work. 

One question. Just one. 

What had Earth shown us as to what protects Earth from the solar wind?

Earth’s Magnetosphere (click here)

This is what protects all living beings on Earth. I think the space program has a long way to go, but, ultimately spacecraft will require a force field that performs the same functions as Earth. Someday long into the future there will be such a spaceship taking humans gently to new realities.


I would look to NASA and MIT to fulfill those visions of tomorrow.

Until then, we need Earth to be okay with us living on it.

Look, I think President Biden is a great president.

His concerns spans generations of Americans of all races and faiths and not just Wall Street. I think he is the man most perfect for this time in American history. He has been a trusted legislator for Delaware for decades of time. He came to the Executive Branch with President Obama as a great asset to the administration, even through the personal pain of the loss of his son Beau. 

I trust President Biden.

I think the only way the Republicans could come close to beating him was through fiction and a death by a 1000 cuts. I think they systematically attacked every aspect of decency, but, Joe came out on top anyway.

The people of this country need the steadfast leadership of President Biden. His Vice President could not be better. She was extremely successful in California with every office she filled. She was the state’s Attorney General for two terms before becoming the new Senator. There is no reason to ever doubt her ability or focus. 

As a country we simply can’t get better than President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and the Biden administration. We need these people right where they are. They deserve a second term. No nonsense and no lies. 

300 mph

(Click here)

The tornado that descended on Greenfield, Iowa had wind speeds to 300 mph. It tore homes off their foundations. It shredded everything in it’s path.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Second Opinion

I think the wife of a Prince and mother to his children has an absolute right and nearly an obligation to obtain a second opinion.

It is not to insult any aspect of the National Health Service of the UK, but, she and the king remarkably became ill almost simultaneously. An opinion from any major hospital linked to the NIH, like the Cleveland Clinic would bring cutting edge understanding to this beautiful and vital Princess.

The whole thing makes me worried for her and us. We could lose her. That is not allowed. Not for someone that cares deeply for her family and the people the monarchy serves.

It was about a decade ago…

…when a scientist from Goddard Space Labs came to speak to an audience from the UNCW physics department. A question was asked as to when people will be traveling interstellar. The answer was that it wasn’t possible to travel outside of Earth’s protective atmospheres for any extended period of time because of the high amounts of radiation in space.

Today, with a study that has been ongoing for most of the USA Space Program the frailty of the human body in the VOID of space is known. 

In order for such ambitions to be realized there has to be significant research on Earth with materials that can protect human life. Those materials have not yet been found.

No one like Musk should be provided the power to play with human life as he has done the human brain.

I suppose Musk can always build his own hero wall for all those that sacrificed their lives for the purpose of human space travel without a clear path forward or the practice ethics that won’t allow such sacrifice.

Plutocrats are drunk on power. Capitalism demands that those with the most talent receive the greatest prize. That is fine if one has created a cure for cancer. But, the real prize is humanity’s Nobel, not the wealth, slavery, or oppression of an entire segment of human society. 

The Plutocrats have no right to turn our democracy on its head.

(Click here) 

This is corruption plain and simple. It is all self-serving. Who is it so we can boycott them?

(Can’t Buy Me Love - click here)

I have no respect for Trump or his highly unethical donor. 

The New York prosecutor’s office is asking for an extension of the gag order for ongoing threats. ONGOING THREATS? Trump is a former president with no ethical or moral obligation to another human being’s life even after he has been judged. The gag order should be permanent.

Now Musk is dissing Melinda French Gates because she donated to Democrats. 

Musk just received an enormous amount, ridiculous amount of money from Tesla. Obviously, he didn’t donate to Democrats and now he is dissing Ms. Gates? Well, I wonder how much more money he will try to throw away on attempts to buy the presidency? 

Musk can’t be too happy ad a space camper as a recent study over a long period of time has found profound kidney impacts on astronauts with long stays in the ISS. There are problems to be solved before human space travel can go forward. This most recent study definitely causes the voyage to Mars as well as occupying Earth’s moon a reason to pause the programs. Human beings cannot be guinea pigs to benefit profits on Earth. 

There are other avenues of the use of space and negative gravity that the current Director Bill Nelson opened up with his own experience with the Columbia Mission STS-61C. There is plenty to say that is marvelously good about the Space Program, but, right now human space travel has hit a bump in the road and Musk is probably annoyed by that fact and he wants to buy power beyond what should be available to him.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of Donald Sutherland.

What a great family. He (click here) represents so much that is right with our values through his acting that it is hard to say good-bye.

The National Park Service needs to consider closing Glaciet National Park

(Click here)

I have been watching videos and reading reports about close encounters of the Grizzly kind and the NPS needs to reassess the necessity to close the park for the summer season.

What is occurring with tourists is rather alarming and very different than the bold idiocy seen in Yellowstone National Park.

The Grizzlies of the USA are not rubber stamped in their behaviors. The Yellowstone species are the same DNA as the species in Alaska and Glacier National Park, but, the behaviors are all different.

Where it gets dicey with the Grizzlies of Glacier is their speed. They run all the time, especially when Spring arrives and they are hungry out of winter hibernation. The Glacier Grizzlies are challenged to catch mountain goats for a meal. They don’t amble along like Yellowstone Grizzlies or wade into streams like Alaska Grizzlies, they literally race across land in pursuit of a meal because mountain goats are very difficult to catch.

The Yellowstone tourists just do stupid things and don’t follow rules and warnings, hence, dangerous encounters with all sorts of wildlife. But, Glacier is different. Most of the tourists appear to be hikers minding their own business challenged by the terrain. When the Glacier tourist have a Grizzly encounter it is because the bear literally appears out of nowhere right into the hikers path after mountain goats have crossed there as well.

So far there have been no fatal or life threatening encounters but from what I can tell it is because the bear is singularly focused on the sheep which it has been chasing from higher elevations. Crossing the hikers path is an alarm to the hikers and the bears.

The problem as I see it is that the bears are obviously hungry and they are only learning that when they cross a hiking path there are human beings there. Up until Spring the primary use of Glacier National Park by tourists was scaling icefall. Grizzlies don’t climb ice and have no thoughts about climbers. They are also hibernating at the time the climbers are in the park.

So, one can state there is no danger and it is simply more information available, but, that is a foolish assumption.

I don’t know what the current records state about Grizzly population vs. Grizzly Prey, but, young bears without a great deal of real world experience may be unsuccessful in obtaining prey and remain hungry only to be satiated by less evasive species like people.

The National Park Service is very knowledgeable about our parks and the wildlife within them. I am sure my concerns are something they have meetings about, but, there does seem to be a growing drumbeat about the Grizzlies and hikers. Due to its merits a reassessment is in order to be sure the climate crisis is not turning into a Grizzly crisis as well.

The USA made China

(Click here)

The Chinese forget their own capitalism venture. After Nixon opened the gates of China, it was the Free World Capital Markets that allowed China to grow. It does population  without a problem, but, autocracy and communism does not grow an economy. 


When it comes to the free market system and the national security of the USA, China has nothing to say.

I think the USA knows how to manage its economy without China attempting to dominate it. The American people aren’t interested in being a “study under glass” or should I say “under cyber glass.” China can take its spying and entertainment flea circus called “Tik-Tok” out of our borders!

The sovereign USA doesn’t have to accept ANY nefarious activity from any country even in the name of covert profits.

First day of summer 2024. It gets worse from here.

(Click here)

Massive tornadoes and hurricanes and now the summer heat.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The religious right is trying to please God. I don't think it is working.

The primary reason the religious right has gone all in with God is because they believe if the country becomes all Christian it will please God and the second coming will go well.

June 19, 2024
By Danny Westneat

...“We … oppose legislation (click here) which makes our nation more democratic in nature,” was how they put it in a bracingly blunt resolution at the state GOP convention in Spokane.

Well now it’s our neighbors over in Idaho, who last weekend had their state Republican convention in Coeur d’Alene. They also approved a bunch of anti-democratic stuff, like a proposal to do away with electing U.S. senators. But where they truly contributed to the national understanding of where things are headed was in their adopted plank titled “Defining Human Personhood.”

A person, the Idaho platform now reads, is any life from the moment of conception, or when sperm joins egg. The “intentional taking of human life” after that point is murder. In this spirit, also opposed is “the destruction of human embryos.”

“We support the criminalization of all murders by abortion within the state’s jurisdiction,” the platform says....

They hate democracy and why?

Come on, why do they hate democracy?

That's right, because they want a unicultural religious basis in violation of the First Amendment to the USA Constitution. 


The greatest democracy in the world provides complete freedom of choice of religion and now the very people that enjoy that freedom want to destroy it.



How are they going to do it?

June 19, 2024
By Rick Rojas

Gov. Jeff Landry (click here) signed legislation on Wednesday requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in Louisiana, making the state the only one with such a mandate and reigniting the debate over how porous the boundary between church and state should be....



Who is the biggest wacko of them all?

Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) is elected Speaker of the House (click here).

Table 1. Number and Percent of People Below Poverty by Congressional District, 2017 (click here)

Louisiana District number 2204
District 04
As of 2017, Mike Johnson's district had 169,367 people below poverty. That was 23.2 percent of the population of his district. Not only that, but, 322,263 people of his district were below 185 percent of the poverty level. That is 44.2 percent of his district.


Let's get this right now, we are also talking about US Senator Bill Cassidy and US Senator John Kennedy.

The most common (click here) employment sectors for those who live in Congressional District 4, LA, are Health Care & Social Assistance (47,726 people),...

The service to the impoverished is among the largest part of Louisiana District 4 employment sector!

The people of Louisiana are so ingrained into believing they need to please God, they don't even see the forest for the trees!

This isn't about purification for God. Lord knows the people of Louisiana are some of the most devoted and godly people in the country. This is about poverty folks. Teaching the ten commandments in every school, including public schools if any in Louisiana are still open, isn't going to bring a better outcome to the lives of the people of Louisiana. A strong democratic economy lead by people that can move Louisiana forward is the way out of this mess!

The gender bias in that district can choke a horse.

The industries with the best median earnings for men in 2022 are Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, & Mining ($66,049), Manufacturing ($60,210), and Public Administration ($56,240).

The industries with the best median earnings for women in 2022 are Finance & Insurance, & Real Estate & Rental & Leasing ($40,121), Public Administration ($39,652), and Educational Services, & Health Care & Social Assistance ($34,564).

There is NO leadership in District Four in Louisiana.

There is so called small government in District 4, right? 


Government is one of the largest employers in District 4 in Louisiana.

And what does the House Speaker's wife do?

She profits from a counseling service that equates Gays, not with civil rights, but bestiality and incest. Incest is illegal at least in most of the fifty states. And bestiality? It is considered certifible (click here). It is classified as is coded as 302.89 Other specified paraphilic disorder, zoophilia in the DSM-5.

Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson, (click here) the newly elected Republican Speaker of the House, and his wife, Kelly Johnson, have come under scrutiny due to their shared ultra-conservative Christian beliefs, especially those regarding LGBTQ+ issues and the counseling service Kelly Johnson runs.

HuffPost reports that Kelly Johnson operates Onward Christian Counseling Services, a counseling firm that, in its operational documents, equates homosexuality with bestiality and incest.

The couple has been in the public eye since the late 1990s when they championed Louisiana’s marriage covenant law, aiming to make divorces more challenging to obtain. Their collaborative ventures continue to this day; they co-host a podcast titled Truth Be Told, wherein they discuss social and political issues from a conservative Christian standpoint.

I am sorry folks, but, that is pure unadulterated ignorance and victimization. What is happening to people in Louisiana District 4?

The people this upset about the status quo need to look to better educational and employment opportunities and social engagement outside just church activities. There is a lot wrong in the focus of the GOP in Washington, Idaho, and Louisiana. The current elected officials are reducing the quality of life of people and feeding off their poverty and taxes for employment. They just dig themselves in deeper rather than improving life in their districts and states.