Thursday, May 16, 2024

continued from previous entry

So, as to the Holy Land and the UK. 

As much as everyone wants to say the Europeans were defeated in The Crusades, that is not exactly correct. There were several Crusades and not all of them failed. The entire region where today's conflict occurs is one of the places the British Empire came to own. As a matter of fact Kuwait exists because the British Empire wanted to control the goods, including oil, coming out of Iraq. To some extent the sovereign borders of the lands affiliated with the Arabian Peninsula have nothing to do with The Holy Land so much as the power of the British Empire at the time of The Holy Crusades.

Why is that important? Because even today the United Kingdom sheds some of its land to create or allow a new sovereign right to lands that may or may not be affiliated with the United Kingdom. That is the case to a greater extent when the "Mandate for Palestine" as written by "The League of Nations" later to become "The United Nations."

While there is every justification for the country of Israel, there exists a clear understanding there are at the very least "the people of Palestine."

One of the reasons the British Empire existed was to carry out the Rule of Law within the lands it owned. Without an abiding law structure people are left to be tribal with chronic ideas about who and why that tribe has a right to be "ON THE LAND." What is somewhat interesting about the "past lives of land" is realizing how much herding of animals and migration through lands to feed those animals actually dominate the lands people occupy. That is an important understanding as well because while tribes migrated for survival, that scenario today may not hold up as a legitimate claim to the land. Migration of herds for survival is very, very different than living on the land in an agrarian lifestyle that is more stable. Migration of herds for survival is more or less a romantic character of history. The practical use of the land, IF THERE IS NO MORE MIGRATING HERDS, changes with invention and better quality of life.


So we come to the "Mandate for Palestine." This mandate existed after WWI to administer the lands and people. The British Empire would come to control these lands through enforcement of law. This practice by the world governing bodies is not unusual, right? There was the splitting of land into four countries in Southeast Asia following WWII. Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam and South Vietnam were all governed by different European countries to BE SURE there would be no return to war. So, The Mandate for Palestine was one of these documents following WWI.

What I want to have ring clear is that the world governing bodies lean heavily into law and order. The world governing bodies want the land to be used appropriately and the people be secure without governance by dictators or autocrats that cause problems for the people and the global population in general. In other words, from time beginning the world has almost a genetic need to law and order and PEACE.

While the Mandate for Palestine sounds very one-sided and a clear determination that the Palestinians have the upper hand, that is not correct. At the very same time the Mandate for Palestine was carved out, there was a parallel document entitled "The Balfour Declaration." This link will connect with the text of "The Balfour Declaration (click here)." This particular link is housed within the "Jewish Virtual Library." Why? Because the Balfour Declaration created Israel at the very same time the Mandate for Palestine was drawn up.

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet

His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.


Arthur James Balfour

This is all very British. The is how the British COMMONWEALTH governs. This same pattern was seen with the North American British Colonies that will eventually become The United States of America. The Brits send some of their best and loyal people to be Governors, etc., for the sole purpose of bringing law and order to the people and the land. 

The clear understanding here is LAW AND ORDER. Since the early 20th century the idea of law and order has been an overriding theme of the Holy Land. Now, why would that be?

Law and order creates SAFETY for people, the society they build, the commerce they enjoy, and THE DOMESTIC PEACE demanded for a high quality of life. If nothing else in the world that can be appreciated about the British Empire is that they carried with them incredible and complicated values and managed to tame tribal lands into modern scenarios of peaceful commerce.

I am not interested in the discussion of commerce and/or capitalism as those are different topics. What is important here is the vital understanding that people are supposed to get along in a society, care about the well being of all the people that live on the land, and included in that is commerce that provides for the common good.

continued in the next entry