Friday, March 29, 2024

Gaza will never belong to Palestine alone.

The demonstrators throughout the world aren’t just calling for safety for innocent Palestinians, they want the IDF to leave Gaza. That is not possible. I have stated it before.

There needs to be movement to secure Palestine under the PA because it is not capable of protecting innocent people from the danger of terrorist networks backed by Iran. Iran provides incredible munitions to terrorists and the PA can’t compete.

The PA was established a long time ago to provide governance to the people. Nearly as soon as the PA was established Hamas manifested in Gaza. It has been nothing but a nightmare since. Hamas, over time, was normalized and it is this return to instability and human shields that the demonstrators are demanding if they realize it or not.

Let me be clear, Iran will not stop its terrorist networks in Gaza. The PA is not capable of stability in Gaza with that chronic assault by Iran. There is absolutely no way Palestine will ever be capable of warding off Iran’s plans for that strip of land. There must be a co-governance with Gaza and the IDF and Israel. There is no alternative. Iran is a far stronger country than Palestine. Iran covets that land because of its proximity to Israel. Nothing more needs to be said or understood.

A demonstrator that wants things as it was in Gaza, backs terrorists and Palestinians as human shields and not a stable society for innocent people.