So far he is a preacher, national guardsman at the southern border, deficit Hawk while the USA is an ally and a genocidal defeated, the freest most powerful nation in the world was hard fought for over two hundred years. Decentralizing the legislative branch of the USA Constitution means defeating the vote because the US House is where legislation of the people happen. Decentralizing legislative power guaranteed by the USA Constitution is an insurgent leader and nothing short of it.
It would be interesting to see how much each Republican received in donations with the vote today and who donated it.
It would not be difficult to imprison Trump. Give him an ankle bracelet and commission the secret service to guard him at home.
It is impossible for a home arrest to interfere with the political campaigns of insurgents.
Johnson plans to legislate hope. Really?
I have as much liberty than I have ever had. No more, no less. The same all my life. Good reason to keep communists and terrorists in their place.
How much does hope need in the federal budget? I doubt insurgents, like Trump, should have any hope in the federal budget.