Friday, October 06, 2023

Former Speaker McCarthy…

 …is going to resign from office. I guess that is what is next if disgraced by colleagues. 

I think the Democrats have to come to terms with Republicans’ chaos. Chaos is anarchy. At least that is the way I see it. If there is anything Trump wants it is anarchy. Anarchy facilitates autocracy, “Only I alone can fix it.”

The economy of anarchy is interesting, too. It is anti-establishment and opens doors for splash in the pan opportunists, like “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I believe it has very destructive content. But, the point is, if the “norm” were enforced by society these exploitative economics would be oppressed. But, with chaos as a basis for social engagement and problem solving the “gas lighters” and “con artists “ as well as corruption of tried and true value systems become normalized.

I think that is what lies at the coupe of McCarthy. Trumpism is corruption and seeks to normalize the unthinkable. The eight Republicans, including Matt Gaetz, have politics that are so corrupted they had no choice to back down from the hate of our governance. It was governance that was at the center of McCarthy’s removal. The Trump Republicans hate governance so much they want to shut down the federal government.

Former Speaker McCarthy was governing by keeping the government open and functioning. When he was removed it was a clear statement that the eight Republicans involved were not interested in majority rule and bipartisanship. They lost the ability to step back from the brink of anarchy. They DO NOT care to abide by the fundamentals of democracy and majority rule.

I believe the Republican chaos is purposeful and gets results and is a profound danger to American democracy and economy. 

“Truth Social” is nothing but gas lighting and corruption. Why the FCC is not pulling licenses and shutting down what harms our democracy is a shame.

More later.