Thursday, March 16, 2023


Sometimes they are reasonable leaders looking for peaceful co-existence with the Free World. They understand the benefits of peace, like focusing on domestic issues that increase citizens quality of life. They understand under the shield of peace international relations are about trade and growing a country’s wealth. They value peaceful venues like the Olympics and the World Cup and the pride those venues bring to the people. Icons of competition that translate into childhood dreams of being a great representative to the sports and country. Participating in trials that reveal greater human accomplishment.

Then there are the ideologues. Putin and Xi are ideologues. Nothing else matters except the global rule of an ideal regime that kills who they have to and want to, in order to ensure communism lives on forever or at least until the sun supernovas. 

The reason the Russian jet dumped fuel was to hide the operation and the crash and loss of the drone would be a mystery and proof of inferior American weaponry. The Russians are afraid of the USA and hide their aggression so the world thinks it all an unfortunate failure of technology.

There are comments and articles I read stating the arming of the Free World is sending the wrong signal and is guaranteeing a path to unthinkable war.

The only way democracy and freedom exists is through strength and overwhelming ability of citizens as soldiers, housewives, professionals of all venues of human imagination and application and even great businesspersons that can lead the wealth and growth of a country.

The world has witnessed a genocide upon an entire country of people. There is no limit for the entire world to prepare for an unthinkable war. No one in this world wants it, either. There is only one path forward. We did not choose it, but, we will end it.