Monday, November 14, 2022

The Ukraine war by Russia is all about Russian politics. It is why they are hanging on so desperately to their claims.

It is a holy war now against Satan. Medvedev has also stated Russia will again invade Kherson.

The point is their politics need to change now otherwise this faux ambition will be around for another generation.

They have a Russian service similar to Twitter and the politics of this invasion is everywhere on his page (click here). They need to stop playing with fire and begin to deal with the reality before them. There are no forces anywhere that want to invade Russia. There is no evil in Ukraine ready to vanquish every soul in Moscow. These are all false stories about an invasion written into a five year plan. This has to stop.

The ideology (click here) has Russia taking half of Ukraine while Poland absorbs the other half and Ukraine is nothing more than a city on a map. That is nothing but lies. Poland doesn't have to invade Ukraine, half the population are there as refugees.

4 November 2022

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (click here) on Friday described Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine as a sacred conflict with Satan and warned that his country was capable of sending “all our enemies to fiery Gehenna.”

Medvedev, who is now deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, appeared to be using a version of the Hebrew word for hell in his speech to mark Russia’s Day of National Unity.

The former president said Russia’s task in the invasion was to “stop the supreme ruler of hell, whatever name he uses — Satan, Lucifer or Iblis,” according to quotes run by the Reuters news agency....

More and more countries around the world are finding relations with Russia is not what it appeared to be less than a year ago. They are abandoning the genocide by Russia of Ukrainians. Why is this still an issue?

November 10, 2022
By David Ignatius

As Russia’s military troubles mount in Ukraine, (click here) it’s also becoming more isolated internationally as organizations affiliated with the United Nations purge Moscow’s representatives from leadership positions.

This rollback of Russian power and prestige at the United Nations has accelerated in recent months. It’s another example of the way the Ukraine war is realigning the international system into a small bloc supporting the Kremlin and a larger group backing the United States and its broad coalition of allies.

The General Assembly, the closest thing to a global parliament, has condemned Russia’s assault on Ukraine twice by overwhelming margins. In March, it demanded Russia’s unconditional withdrawal, 141-5. Last month, it rejected Russia’s attempted annexation plan, 143-5. The only countries that backed Russia were Belarus, Eritrea, Nicaragua, North Korea and Syria....

It is all politics with Donald John Trump lending his Americanism as inspiration to these right wing dictators. There are also communist backed regimes in Venezuela and Brazil as Balsonaro "Pulling a Trump" (click here) in not conceding but providing a transfer of power to the newly elected president. Balsonaro wants what Trump wants, a regime of their own to take over the countries government with violence at a later date.

All this is politics and it needs to end. The people of all these countries should be demanding a better quality of life and not a lifetime of lies and poverty.

August 29, 2022

On June 9, 2022, (click here) Nicaragua’s Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) government renewed the authorization of Russian military forces to operate in the country. In doing so, it reminded the United States and the hemisphere that the dictatorial regime of Daniel Ortega not only continues to abrogate the rights of its own people for democratic choice, free expression, and other fundamental human rights, but also serves as an entry point for the projection of threats into the region by extra-hemispheric rivals of the United States, such as Russia, Iran, and the People’s Republic of China (PRC)....

August 13, 2022

The intension behind this vote and the Eritrean regime’s support for Russia (click here) are part and parcel of Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki’s decades-long anti-American policy—a key pillar of his dictatorship....

The people's voices must be heard and alternative governments that are of and by the people need to address the United Nation's General Assembly to understand the suffering that exists because of the politics of the country.

This is from 2009, but, more recent estimates state poverty is down to 53 percent since more women are working to support their families.

Poverty, (click here) one of the world's most serious problems, is particularly severe in Africa. Eritrea is a 16-year-old nation that gained its independence from Ethiopia in 1993. The country's economy was doing relatively well between 1993 and 1997. Eritrea was then exposed to numerous challenges such as drought, famines and recurrent war. As a result, poverty has become more rampant in a country where over 66 per cent of people live below the poverty line. Some families live on remittances. The government has taken some poverty alleviation measures. However, it has not mitigated poverty due to a lack of resources and a poorly implemented poverty alleviation programme. This article attempts to explore the incidence of poverty. It also provides details of poverty surveys that have been conducted since independence. It discusses various poverty challenges and provides some policy implications for development....

Hillary Clinton doesn't take credit for the empowerment of women around the world, but, her visits had resonance, "Women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights." She has empowered women and girls and it shows internationally. This is one small example of how her words drive change. The USA does not have to be directly involved, but, women around the world listen to other strong women and begin to take on the challenge of improving their lives and the lives of their families. It is women like this that move a country out of impoverishment, not war of any kind, but, women seeking a better life.

Empowerment movements like this are Hillary Clinton's legacy.

The National Union of Eritrean Women (click here) branch in the Anseba region organized a seminar on 24 and 25 June in Keren aimed at empowering women....

All the propaganda wars need to stop. There is absolutely no reason for such hate anywhere in the world, especially coming out of Russia.



November 12, 2022
By Seth J. Frantzman

Russia has suffered a serious setback (click here) in having to abandon Kherson, a city that it had occupied during its war on Ukraine this year. However, Moscow wants the world to know that it is not down for the count.

“Today, Russia is building an equal world order for the future and is fighting alone against the West, while protecting its citizens and returning its lands, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday,” Moscow’s state media TASS news reported

Moscow’s leadership, particularly Vladimir Putin, has often said that Russia is
leading a new world order....

This is a mess.