Michael Moore reminds us that non-violent reform is the mainstay of American democracy and must take place. The strongest method of non-violent reform is voting. It is important for all those outraged by the elitist Supreme Court ruling to vote and remove those from office that faciliate the corruption now within the US Supreme Court. This ruling completely changes the lives of every American woman of child bearing age, including, teenagers as young as 11 and 12 years old exposed to incest and pedophilia (click here).
It is unthinkable to give credence to pedophilia, incest or rape. It is unconscionable. It is disgusting and the Republican Party's Governors are awash in it. The shadow of rape, incest and pedophilia is enough, but, to give birth to a criminal's offspring is a way of guaranteeing never being rid of them. I do not buy the idea a baby born of rape, incest or pedophilia has no fault in their conception. That is more ludicrous than can said. There is no reason for a pregnancy to turn into a life long nightmare.