Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (click here) said during an Axios NewsShapers interview with Jonathan Swan that he’d be obligated to support former President Trump despite the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol if the GOP renominates him for president in 2024.... McConnell had not previously been pressed on the contradiction between his Senate floor comments in February of 2021 saying Trump was “morally responsible” for January 6th, followed two weeks later by saying he’d “absolutely” support Trump as nominee.
"Moscow" as he is known in circles where democracy is celebrated, hates it. He hates democracy and the people who practice it.
The jail and prison time for those in the January 6th insurgency is adding up. "Moscow" should be more careful about his desire for more of the same.
And, as to the bill, the protections are for commercialized horses and their profit margin. The slaughter houses are still open and there are Mustangs still being removed from the western plains.