I am sure Elon Musk realizes there is dearly little to replace Twitter with another system that is similar. But, the challenge exists.
Twitter became an instrument of control by the dictator named Donald John Trump. He weaponized it. You know there is a limit to free speech. Free speech is not reckless speech. Reckless speech and hate speech are a problem for the democracies of the world and their national security. It is reckless speech we witness with the Trump Republicans. They turn dictionaries on their head.
Much of the defense of reckless speech and at times hate speech lies in colloquial speech. Words that are used off of their definition in attempts to incorporate emotion into words. I don't think colloquail speech is as well defined as it should be. There is a profound need to understand speech far better than it is understood today.
I think as democratic societies go, there is a profound right to protect the democracy from wrongful use of speech that causes issues related to national security. Free expression is not always free speech. They are different. Free expression demands free speech, but, does it also need reckless speech and hate speech to define freedom of expression?
I think what is being obversed with democracies is saturation of wrongful intent. It is similar to the idea of free access to guns. Gun Violence escalates among the best of democracies and the power of gun violence can and has changed the political face of countries. We have seen countries with free access to guns not only change it's politics, but, along side of that is increased deaths and injuries in a free and open society.
There are emotional dynamics in all these issues. Do free societies/democracies need to understand the danger of deleterious dynamics that oppress them in the name of freedom of expression and/or speech. We already know deleterious racial names and epithets carry with it actions in the physical world resulting in human suffering and/or death. I think members of democracies need to understand themselves better to realize the power of society to have far better outcomes through taming of the emotional end of words. There are consequences when freedom of speech becomes oppressive and elicits adverse outcomes to governance in maintaining its constitution. We witnessed such impacts on January 6th in the USA.
Is a polite society a good society?
Being polite brings with it subtile threatening alarms as well as pause.