Sunday, March 27, 2022

The American people are wrongly focused on the causes of inflation before them.

It is greed, plain and simple. And the fact the USA is still in the stone age with energy production doesn't help at a time when any petroleum product is more expensive than the food bill.

I also need to say, President Biden is not going to war with Russia. If Russia is foolish enough to escalate this war into NATO states there is no alternative and we will stand with them and fight for their sovereignty. For now, that seems unrealistic.

But, as to the inflation, it is not caused by increases in labor costs. One might take a look at the forms of energy being used and understand that energy touches every aspect of our economy. I never thought there would be a $5.00 per gal price for gasoline.

We need to switch our energy to renewables as much as is possible as soon as it possible. We cannot continue to pump oil out of the ground and suck methane from chemical cracks in rock and expect the USA economy to survive.

The so called inflation is at a 7 percent rate. Yep. Labor increases are at a 2 percent increase. I hardly call 2 percent inflationary if that is all that was increasing. There is absolutely no reason to bring down income of Americans that work the hardest to make this economy run. Americans deserve their salary increases.

And, I won't be going to Applebees anytime soon. It is a shame really, my sister loved Sunday brunch there. Like I said, it is greed. CEOs don't care about the people, they care about keeping their jobs and returning dividends to stockholders. Never will it occur to any CEO that their profit margin is actually hurting the American economy by reducing disposable income, but, also hurting their employees as well.

CUT PROFITS! That means there will be a stable wage for all Americans that assist in creating an enormous Middle Class which fuels the USA economy. 



Wall Street can end this inflation if it wanted to.

March 25, 2022
By Aimee Picchi

To Applebee's franchise executive Wayne Pankratz, (click here) surging gas prices are an opportunity for his business, rather than a downside. That's because, as he told managers in an emailed memo, the pool of people who work at Applebee's live "paycheck to paycheck" and will be forced "back into the work force" to earn more.

Pankratz also saw another silver lining: High gas prices will increase costs for competitors, who won't be able to increase wages to the extent they had been. "We all competed to hire out of the limited applicant pool and there was a wage war," he wrote in the March 9 memo. "They will no longer be able to afford to do this."

The result, Pankratz predicted, is "hiring employees in at a lower wage to decrease our labor [costs]."
The memo, which was shared on social media, is sparking a backlash against Applebee's, with some consumers vowing never again to dine at the chain. And at one Applebee's location in Lawrence, Kansas, three of its six managers reportedly quit over the memo, according to the Lawrence World-Journal....