Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sometimes the truth hurts.

This is a "Huge Issue?" Really. Why are Republicans wasting time with this? I guess they don't care about voting rights for their constituents. That is truly an American shame.

Marshall is inappropriate. He is jealous of the salary of the highly qualified and dedicated Dr. Anthony Fauci. 

The US Senate Republicans have nothing else to do with their time, except, to try to cut the budget by firing the best of the best at the NIH. Amazing. They don't care. They do not care about the well being of Americans and excellence in governance.

Go get 'em, Doctor Fauci.


As 12,000 medical doctors, (click here) research scientists and public health experts on the front lines of COVID-19, the infectious diseases community will not be silenced nor sidelined amidst a global pandemic. Reports of a campaign to discredit and diminish the role of Dr. Fauci at this perilous moment are disturbing.

Despite the nation’s vast resources and abilities, more than 135,000 people in America have died from COVID-19 – more than any other country, and the numbers keep rising. Every day now brings a new high in the number of newly infected people and deaths. This is a full-blown crisis unlike any America has ever faced and it needs to be treated as such.   

The only way out of this pandemic is by following the science, and developing evidence-based prevention practices and treatment protocols as new scientifically rigorous data become available.  Knowledge changes over time. That is to be expected.

If we have any hope of ending this crisis, all of America must support public health experts, including Dr. Fauci, and stand with science.

-IDSA President Thomas File, Jr., M.D., MSc, FIDSA