Friday, December 03, 2021

The West needs to get serious. Sanctions against Belarus are interesting, but, NATO needs to move troops into the Russian border countries,

There is a lot more at stack than another country in NATO, communists are on the move. The illegitmate president of Russia will invade Ukraine because the Ukraine military remains lightweight compared to what it faces with Russia's border.

As soon as Putin sets down the path of war, China will follow with Taiwan and put The West, including Australia in a multi-front war. There is no doubt Putin must be stopped as well as China. It is better if The West take the initiative to push the Russian troops back from the border with Ukraine and bring security to Taiwan. Once the communists commit to multi-front wars, there is no turning back for them. It is defeat The West or Bust.

NATO along with Pacific allies like Japan must begin the push back before it is even needed. For far too long the communists have been taking incremental movement to TEST how far they can go. China is attempting intimidation of The West by testing it's satellite destroyer that also launches what is most probably nuclear missiles from space. It is time to end the renewed Cold War and stop border incursions anywhere and all together.

Border incursions are a real reason for troop movement and confrontation. This is what it is going to take to reverse the four years of Trump pandering to communists and dictators and disloyalty to the USA national security. Defeating border incursions is a whole lot better than all out warfare.

Secretary of State Blinken's initatives MUST be backed by strong military decisions. Throughtout the history of the USA out greatest strength was quiet diplomacy backed by a strong military and it's prowess. The Late Colin Powell had The Powell Doctrine and the Late President Theodore Roosevelt stated, "...walk quietly, but, carry a big stick...". This is who the USA is and always has been. 

There is a reason for the USA submarines coming to Australia, there are reasons why the USA left Afghanistan and that was because with communists being emblodened by Trump there is real danger in the world and we cannot afford to be spread too thin. Recently, Israeli leadership stated it felt lonely after the USA left Afghanistan, but, in reality Israel is not looking at the global picture post Trump.

It is time to get real with the communists and push the incursions and troop build ups back behind communist borders.

Swiss President Guy Parmelin, (click here) center, greets President Joe Biden, right, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the 'Villa la Grange', Wednesday, June 16, 2021, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ukraine MUST enlist the support of NATO in it's country now. There can be no delay for Ukraine to become a member of the alliance.

December 1, 2021
By Nicole GaouetteJennifer Hansler and Alex Marquardt

Secretary of State Antony Blinken (click here) warned Russia to stand down on its efforts to destabilize Ukraine and said there would be "severe consequences" for any Russian military action.

"We don't know whether President Putin has made the decision to invade" Ukraine, Blinken said in remarks at the end of a North Atlantic Treaty Alliance meeting in Latvia. "We do know that he's putting in place the capacity to do so on short order, should he so decide. So despite uncertainty about intention, and timing, we must prepare for all contingencies while working to see to it that Russia reverses course."

Blinken spoke just hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a speech that the "threat" at Russia's western border is growing. In his own remarks, Blinken noted that the world has already seen Moscow significantly increase troops along the border and deploy misinformation to suggest Ukraine is the aggressor....

A lot has changed in USA-Russia relations since September 11, 2001. The undermining of a fledgling democracy in Russia by Putin, the placement of Putin as the new Zcar forever and the return to communism and expansionism by Putin all are failures of his leadership and must be ended in order for a new generation of Russians to flourish in Russia.

There was also a similar news conference with Bush and Putin after September 11, 2001. The return to old Soviet mandates is obvious under Putin and a complete afront to the trust the Russia people once had in him.

February 24, 2005
Transcript of News Conference from New York Times

PUTIN (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): First of all, (click here) I'd like to say that we discussed these issues at length, face-to-face, just the two of us.

Russia has made its choice in favor of democracy. Fourteen years ago, independently, without any pressure from outside, it made that decision in the interest of itself, in the interest of its people, of its citizens.

PUTIN (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): This is our final choice and we have no way back. There can be no return to what we used to have before. And the guarantee for this is the choice of the Russian people themselves.

No guarantees from outside cannot be provided. This is impossible. It would be impossible for Russia today. Any kind of turn toward totalitarianism for Russia would be impossible due to the condition of the Russian society....