Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Brits are geniuses at relating to the people.

I saw an interesting piece where an anthropologist aligned anti-vaccine with some sort of positive aspect of personality, such as celebrity.

People are dearly hanging on to their mobile phones for word about the pandemic and/or a word from their "identity group." People tend to move in groups emotionally these days and identify with an icon of sorts. The worst of this can be a political icon such as Donald John Trump and his arrogance or it can be a celebrity with talent that seems to carry good social habits, such as Paris Hilton and the pay for a peak wedding episode. The anthropologist finds that antivaccers are more or less following a social pattern within the ideology of an icon of sorts. Now, let me say Paris Hilton is not commenting on vaccines.

But, this social iconography is a symbiotic relationship. The celebrity states they are an antivaccer or simply won't take the vaccine and the fans follow in the same ideology. The fan is achieving a status not otherwise realized and the celebrity is having a fan base to promote their career.

The problem before societies globally is the nearly criminal content that exists in these groups and this is my commentary and not that of an anthropologist. If the government is stating the global pandemic is being addressed by restrictive movements and some economic hardship, then it is best to carry on with a quality of life that is harmonious to the end of the pandemic. That is not happening because of "friend groups" and these idiotic choices in the social media that demands alliance with a celebrity no matter the cost.

It seems to me there is also a political cost that must be observed to enforce these IMPORTANT mandates to end the pandemic. Now, in the USA judges are becoming the enemy due to some idea that this is a precedent to enable political leaders to require vaccinations and/or changes in the social fabric. That is not the case. THE ONLY PRECEDENT THIS SETS IF FOR THE RARE GLOBAL PANDEMIC. But, even if judges are siding with liberty rather than death, then it is paramount that social icons are on the same page and not empowering anti-vaccers or icons profiting from notions that vaccines are not necessary.

It is criminal. We know the unvaccinated are getting sick and dying. That is criminal. I believe any iconic anybody no matter who they are, if promoting anti-vaccine in a GLOBAL PANDEMIC then they need to be charged and carted off to jail. No fines. Jail. Mandatory jail time to ensure they don't do it again.

According to the statistics, the leading agent of death to police officers in the USA is COVID-19. That is criminial. People will move away from becoming a police officer if they are going to be exposed to a virus that will kill them in their line of work. Where is OSHA AND POSHA in all this?

This global pandemic will end, but, it is a matter of how it ends. Either the virus wins and kills off more and more people because a Level Three virus now can infect anyone with immunity, be it natural or acquired. Or. Human beings will stop being stupid and finally realize the New Zealand Model is the only accurate way to handle this virus and there will be an end to social interaction and sequestering at home until this is over. Which in most cases is four weeks or so. Four weeks of economic oppression ending the global pandemic is far less expensive then what is occurring now. Hospitals are overwhelmed when waves of the virus hit. This is an enormous cost to countries.

It seems to me if iconic persons can be linked to anti-vaccine messages then there should be a criminal penalty for it and soon.

When one really listens to the authorities and experts, they are far more interesting icons and are working all the time to sort out data to protect human life. They are in labs working with the lousy bug and we can't listen to what they have to say? Outrageous.