Saturday, October 16, 2021

The science involving this speech by President Biden is correct, however,...

...there is concern among the public that natural immunity is better than the vaccine.

There is a large majority of Americans that have not been exposed to or succumbed to the COVID-19 virus and all it's many variants. I think we are upto the letter M in naming variants. I know we have L in Lamda, but, believe there is also one after that, namely M.

In simply talking to people and those that refuse the vaccine there are many reasons, most are dangerous reasons but one in particular is something that the CDC and FDA can address and haven't. 

The Americans that have been exposed to the virus or a variant believe their natural immunity is better than the vaccine. I think the NIH needs to examine that potential and address it formally. They might be right. Their opinion also goes on to believe that if they are vaccinated their natural immunity will be negated and made to be ineffective. They point to the issue that the vaccines need a booster and their natural immunity does not.

The ONE fact that is pushing the issue of vaccines to the forefront is the character of viruses, in that they mutate on a very regular basis. They mutate due to their mRNA content. In that lies the danger that if the COVID-19 virus is allowed to exist for much longer there could be a mutation that is a Level 3 virus that will cause high numbers of deaths, especially if people continue to be resistant to government intervention to end a pandemic. The entire globe has a strong interest in preventing that from happening. A level 3 virus would bring about a great deal of economic hardship and far more invasive government controls than currently exist. 

The other reasons for not getting the vaccine is bizarre. Fear is part of it because it is an mRNA vaccine. The virus is mRNA. Americans don't fear that? They should. Every American should fear contrating the mRNA virus footprint of COVID-19 and it's variants. Fear is irrational when there is a vaccine that will prevent illness, disability and/or death. I remind any American that COVID-19 and it's variants have caused and are causing large numbers of disability in the "Long Haul" lingering symptoms. As a nation we cannot allow a virus to infect large numbers of people and create a nation of the disabled. I would think that is an obvious reason to vaccinate.

Besides fear, there are a variety of reasons that stop Americans from being vaccinated. I am sorry this is even a reason for media to talk about it. Within that daily conversation is politics. Viruses and vaccines are not a political dialogue and if Americans are standing up for their individual rights in not being vaccinated, then they are worshipping a wrongful god. The country has 700,000 dead. The Rwanda genocide that lasted 100 days killed upto 800,000 deaths. The COVID-19 deaths numbering over 700,000 with ANY OF THE VACCINES would have and could have been prevented. Think about that for a moment before crying they are losing their constitutional rights. The dead have lost theirs. 

700,000 deaths if they had been vaccinated could have been prevented. There are those that occurred in the beginning, but, if the vaccines had been perfected after the SARS outbreak under former President Geoge W. Bush, there would be little that would have occurred even in the beginning. All that if fact and cannot be overlooked.

Today, American children are returning to school supposedly for their own good as they rely on social programs at school that provide nutrition. Then there are other noble causes like being proficent in sports for attempts at scholarships and the idea "children need other children." So much for the competency of homeschoolling and of course the American people must get back to work. We all know school time is the best babysitter. All those reasons to me are tragic and based in valuing money over lives. I find all those reasons hideous especially from people that are adult professionals in the care and teaching of a child's mind.

But, as to the President's speech. It is all based in fact. The ONLY real reason I see for any American to question the wisdom of being vaccinated is the issue of natural immunity and it's superiority over vaccinated immunity. That has to be addressed scientifically and soon.

As far as political ideology, I say, can you continue to practice that ideology from the grave?