I think France's President Macron did not choose the best path for his complaint. This paper is a bit dated so laws and regulations have certainly changed.
France has a legitimate complaint IF their submarines were to prove to be at least adequate to the 2021 needs of Australia. Important in this exchange of anger by President Macron and his ambassadors to the USA is the question as to what type of fuel do these submarines use? Because if they are less than nuclear powered, France does not have an argument. The Climate Crisis is upon us and to think anything other than nuclear-powered ships and subs are on the seas is contributing to the problem and not resolving it.
Then there is the issue of what exactly is "shared USA technology" mean to these submarines as compared to France's contracted subs. Will the Australian subs be able to act in unison with the USA in this shared capacity, hence, expanding an alliance and enhancing war games in the Indo-Pacific region.
There is a lot to unpack regarding France's anger with the USA and Australia, including the issue of Brexit and it's impact. There have been shops closing in Europe due to Brexit. So, with all this financial stress on President Macron, this is another straw in the camel's saddlebags.
I am sure President Biden intends to help France in it's distress over a cancelled contract by Australia, but, this extreme measure by France is inappropriate.
There is one other issue, Angela Merkel is leaving the Chancellor position in Germany. Her party is not doing well in the polls before the election either. So, some of Macron's closest allies are in flux. A lot is going on within these circumstances.
We analyze the optimal design of legal remedies for breach (click here) in the context of international trade agreements. Our formal analysis delivers sharp normative conclusions concerning the appropriate remedy for breach and optimal institutional design in light of features of the underlying economic and contracting environment. And our analysis also delivers novel positive predictions regarding when disputes arise in equilibrium, and how the disputes are resolved....