"The Intercept" has printed an article listing the vast level of corruption that has surrounded the poisoning of a city. It is a considerable issue to consider. The evidence is incomplete, therefore the prosecutions are incomplete. Powerful people can literally get away with murder. That is not the way of the Rule of Law of this country, but, it is occurring and Flint, Michigan is a prime example.
By Jordan Chariton, Jenn Dize
...Investigators (click here) also discovered that phone data belonging to a key official close to Snyder was completely erased shortly before the Flint criminal investigation was launched.
Sara Wurfel, Snyder’s press secretary during the water crisis in 2014 through fall 2015, told Flood her phone was “wiped” when she left her job at the end of November 2015, after a civil suit was filed against the Snyder administration and a month before the launch of the Flint water criminal investigation.
“Do you have text messages from 2015 currently [on your phone]?” Flood asked Wurfel in a confidential interview obtained by The Intercept.
“No. So when I left the governor’s office, everything got wiped. I mean, when — I turned in my phone, it got wiped,” Wurfel told Flood. Wurfel, who kept her state cellphone number when she left her government job, said she didn’t recall if she had been asked to hand in her phone at any other time in 2015 prior to leaving her job in November. She also said she didn’t think that she had used iCloud to back up her phone data....