Basically, cryptocurrencies are taking on the regulations of banks in identifying the people who purchase these invisible currencies.
No one will find a cryptocurrency in the lobby of "Chase Bank." Nope. But, there will be plenty of shares of these currencies owned by Chase Bank and others. But, no real support for the currencies like allowing them into their banks for patrons that remove their own USA currency to place it in hiding with this mess. Won't find it there. So, where do you find these machines?
The cryptocurrency machines are primarily found in impoverished neighborhoods of minorities and/or economically suppressed cities and towns. The reason? It brings some economy to those areas by people seeking out the machines to obtain the currencies. The machines are in stores that are not owned and operated by Wall Street, but, that is typical of these cities, towns, and neighborhoods. There are deserts of economic vitality in many minority communities. The stores where these machines are found are liquor stores and gas station convenience stores with bulletproof glass between the patrons and the clerks. Of course, the glass is in place because of the virus, but, bulletproof?
How did the USA ever let this happen? How are these horrid machines on the streets of some of the poorest neighborhoods in the country? Certainly, the currencies do not believe being part of the drug market or money laundering is a good image for them, do they? Do they like facilitating crime? I cannot believe this is the USA and these machines even exist within our borders. They don't belong here and they need to be removed from the economic interests of criminals and con-artists.
The trend of impoverishment follows these currencies even internationally. Some of the poorest countries in the world are accepting cryptocurrencies as their sovereign currency. That is a crime all by itself. They are relying on "good luck" to enhance aspects of their countries wealth rather than building it from the ground up to have assets, including their brain trust, to elevate the quality of life within borders.
There is some talk about this being the future of currencies and the best idea for SPACE ECONOMIES. Really? Cryptocurrencies are not stable. They fluctuate from day to day and that sincerely wreaks havoc on a countries value if that is going to be declared their sovereign currency. A country runs well on a Wall Street currency? I hope not, because, without a sovereign currency the country might find itself in more debt than it bargained for.
Space? A space currency? That is only because Musk through his support behind it and bought some invisible money.
Space has only one currency and that is survival. When air, water, and food begin to have a price on them in space travel forget about any next generation taking up residency on Mars or some distant moon or exoplanet. HUMAN LIFE AND HUMAN RIGHTS must always be a top priority to any space travel and/or settlements.
The USA doesn't need to regulate invisible currency as if another bank, it needs to remove the demons from our lives and restore sanity to normal people who believe that Bitcoin is the next way to wealth rather than hard work and a civil country that matters.
I guarantee anyone, that these currencies at the heart of sponsoring any thought of a civil war in the USA.
The time has come to get real about something that is unreal and end the influence of crime within our borders due to crytocurrencies.