Tuesday, April 27, 2021

State Infectious Disease Physicians need to take over the operations at Beaumont.

There is a better than 50 percent chance Beaumont is spawning it's own emergency. A state infectious disease team needs to evaluate Beaumont's "nosocomial" infection protocols and their actual applications throughout the hospital. Staff needs to be tested, too and given vaccinations.

Triage areas need to move out of the hospital to allow for faster evaluation and then if found to be ill from SARS-CoV-2 and/or one of the variants admitted to SPECIFIC units that house these patients.

April 26, 2021
By Mitch Smith and Sarah Mervosh

Royal Oak, Michigan - At Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, (click here) in one of America’s worst coronavirus hot spots, entire units are still filled with Covid-19 patients. People weak with the virus still struggle to sit up in bed. And the phone still rings with pleas to transfer patients on the verge of death to units with higher-tech equipment.

But unlike previous surges, it now is younger and middle-aged adults — not their parents and grandparents — who are taking up many of Michigan’s hospital beds. A 37-year-old woman on a ventilator after giving birth. A 41-year-old father. A 55-year-old autoworker who has been sick for weeks.

“We’re getting to the point where we’re just so beat down,” said Alexandra Budnik, an intensive care nurse who works in a unit with lifesaving machines, or circuits, that are in short supply. “Every time we get a call or every time we hear that there’s another 40-year-old that we don’t have a circuit for — it’s just like, you know, we can’t save them all.”...