What is more troubling is the dissent written by Justice Clarence Thomas. He is one of the members of the Supreme Court that likes to foreshadow the future.
February 22, 2021
The Supreme Court on Monday (click here) denied an appeal from Republicans challenging a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that allowed ballots received up to three days after Election Day to be counted to accommodate challenges by the coronavirus pandemic.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a forceful dissent. Read it here:...He and Alito so far are guilty of casting a long shadow over the future. To be completely honest, Thomas's opinion is political and written to satisfy Ginni Thomas's friends. Ginni Thomas is a right-wing extremist. I am fairly confident he wrote this opinion, IN THE MINORITY, to make his wife and her extremist friends happy. That pandering to his wife is not exclusively my opinion. It needs to be looked into by an investigator or perhaps the Inspector General.
The court decision was correct in that extenuating circumstances of this election with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic being at the center of concern, but, also which Thomas overlooks, was the problem with the US Postal Service and delayed mail deliveries.
There was no realistic timeline to convene legislative sessions to add amendments to state voting laws. Thomas, himself, states there were "...unusually high numbers of petitions and emergency applications...". Hello? Justice Thomas are you in there?
Thomas contradicts his own objection within the first two paragraphs of his dissent. At any rate, he maintains the states' "made up" rules for the elections. In the case of Pennsylvania, it was allowed for the state to extend it's acceptance of ballots for up to three days after the election. He also goes on to say the date stamp on the ballots did not have to be verified they were mailed on election day.
There are other states that allow for as long as 18 days or more for mail delivery of ballots. California is one of them. One might ask why. Because it is a huge state and coordination with Sacramento takes time.
You'll excuse me, but, if a ballot is received under the new and slower Trump US Post Office when did Thomas think the ballots were postmarked. On the third day? The very day the ballot was received?
But, what the other justices stated was that even if all those ballots were removed from the count IT WOULD NOT MATTER! These screwball ideas about the ballot's magical powers are deranged and insult the integrity of the election process. Not every idea has to be entertained when counting ballots because it is the majority that wins and if the ballots in question are fewer than the winning margin, WHY BRING THE ISSUE UP IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Oh, wait. I forgot. Trump was robbed of his WIN. Like I said, screwball ideas.
Even that idea, I mean, for real already. Where does he get the nerve to even think he was going to be returned to the White House? Ya see. I think he knew long before November 2020 that he was going to lose the election. For real now. Anyone in the country knew, in the majority that had real news available to them, that Trump was not coming back into power. We knew it. We, as a country, made up our minds all along the four-year timeline. The VIRUS was simply the frosting on the cake of incompetency, lies, and policies of hate. Trump knew he was not going to win. He kept up the diversion for his audience wrapped up on propaganda and driven mad into a violent mob. January 6th was planned by the president himself.
Well, back to Justice Thomas. After implicating his own dissent in his opening paragraphs as false and underhanded, he goes on with the ambition of casting doubt on the future. We don't know what the future will hold, but, members of this court seem to think they have the right to dictate the outcomes before they happen anyway. That is complete dysfunction inspired by and catered to The Federalist Society.
On Page 2, in the first paragraph, Thomas states, "...But that might not be the case in the future...." DISNEY IS NOT SUPPOSED TO ENTER INTO THE DISSENTS OF SUPREME COURT JUSTICES UNLESS IT IS A CASE ABOUT DISNEY.
Somehow a few of the Justices wrapped up in their social contacts with The Federalist Society believe in magical thinking that the future is theirs to decide. Ah, the need to speak from the grave. Were there ever such geniuses as those now that the future has to be dictated as the opportunity permits? Does Thomas or his wife have a crystal ball in their living room? You know, they can get a little odd. With Reagan is was Nancy's horoscope. I just thought a gypsy might come to visit to read palms from time to time.
"These cases provide us with the ideal opportunity to address just that authority nonlegislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle. The refusal to do so is inexplicable."
Well, isn't that just the ego that is a steering committee all by itself? Then the egotist goes on to explain Pennsylvania's long history of minimal use of mail-in ballots.
Really? That is the case with most states. The ONLY reason half the country voted with mail in ballots is that Donald John Trump turned a deadly virus loose on the voters of the USA! YES, HE DID. He never voiced a word of caution about any aspect of protection from the virus. He opposed mask-wearing. Never believed in social distancing that was obvious in his rallies. He was president, he could do anything he wanted including sending in the National Guard and Army Corp of Engineers to put up temporary hospital facilities. So, I guess, the crowd was supposed to enjoy their rally before they became deathly ill.
I really don't need to go on. Justice Thomas was completely flagrant in his dissent. If there was ever a dissent to be removed from the country's record, this is the one.