Friday, January 01, 2021

Wishing you a Happier New Year.

My first thought is to remember all the Americans we lost this past year. My deepest and sincerely sympathy to the surviving friends and family of those we lost.

I am looking forward to the greatest presidency this country had seen of Joe Biden and his administration including our first woman Vice President, Kamala Harris.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their administration have enormous responsibility ahead of them. They will need a great Congress to put all the pieces back together to a tattered country assaulted by a virus, but also, both communist China and Russia and a grossly negligent president.

One thing Commander and Chief Joseph Biden must do is ask the military to trust him. Joe, they haven’t been receiving all their paychecks on time. That is a huge morale problem. Our military needs a return of confidence in our greatness and that includes intact pay and benefits to them and their family. Who knows what kind of strange system has replaced tried and true methods for military pay.

Then, the vaccines to defeat SARS-CoV-2 must be invigorated, as well as those 2nd doses. Testing, especially of those vaccinated, must increase. Testing will result in a realistic picture of our country’s share of the global pandemic. Americans need hope to the best path forward in that an end to this is near. I would expect New Years 2022 will be greeted by healthy, happy Americans.

Good ridden to the year 2020, may this never happen to the USA and all its allies ever again.