Chris Matthews has had an incredible career in both politics and journalism by any standard. His insight had proved interesting and he never pulled punches when seeking answers to political questions. I do believe the power of his position in his news program went to his head, especially when stating, "Bernie Sanders will never be president." Elizabeth Warren should have not been asked to play "Truth or Consequences" about accusations revolving around Michael Bloomberg. Her criticisms were based in her understanding of the facts, what else is there to question?
In regard to the sexual harassment on his television set; time moves forward and people change. What seemed tolerable before is no longer. I am sure his indiscretions off stage don't rise to the level of even worrisome, but, the comments were unwelcome and caused discomfort with at least one other female journalist. It is appropriate to state a different female journalist found any flirtations innocent and dismissed them. That doesn't make either women correct or incorrect, it is a matter of comfort and not maturity.
Recently, Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of some serious crimes against women. The list of professional men that found degrading women by using them for sexual pleasure "part of the job" and the "price of fame" is quite incredible. This revelation by Laura Bassett in GQ only indicates the rise of women is not over. The "Me Too Movement" is still impacting the memories of women that have grievances against men issuing unwelcome attention to them.
The "Me Too Movement" is a magnificent demonstration of how deep secrets can exist for money and power. It revealed the depth of corruption that existed in the sexual TONE of society and the "Secret Man Society." Never did I expect women to come forward in such large numbers while identifying very powerful men that have been engaged in basically criminal activity.
Flirtation in the work place is wrong and also abuse. Women have a right to a safe and welcoming work environment regardless of their type of work or status in society. There is no job description that includes sexual compromise of any manner, yet here it was. It was not only hidden from sight, but, reinforced by "The Good Ole Man's Club." It was quite a brotherhood and one that was completely unwelcome in any work place.
Women have been accused of "screwing their way to the top." All I can say is, really? Women always are made to be responsible for what is actually horrible and crass behavior by men. I am sorry to hear Laura Bassett was made uncomfortable by Chris Matthews. It was wrong and the culture that tolerated it for so very long was completely corrupt and never respected women in the first place or their talents and abilities.