When contact tracing fails because of the sheer volume of the people testing positive and are falling ill, that is when the movement of people needs to stop. The virus is probably everywhere and driving the infection rate. It is time to shut it down.
The information of a person testing positive can be published. Not the name of the person, but, the location of where the person was in the past day or so. People do read these announcements made in public media, but, when the numbers are too great and frequently becomes a map full of contact points, then the virus is out of control. Whenever the virus is out of control, the movement of people needs to stop. The cessation of movement is the only way the virus stops infecting others.
These parameters are allowing too much movement with the area saturated with the virus. A large number of positive tests mean the cessation of movement has to be instituted immediately to begin to end the infection rate. This is a no brainer. If there is not a call for the cessation of movement with large positive numbers that is gross malpractice of governance.