April 28, 2020
By Josh Katz, Denise Lu and Margot Sanger-Katz
Total deaths in seven states (click here) that have been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic are nearly 50 percent higher than normal for the five weeks from March 8 through April 11, according to new death statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That is 9,000 more deaths than were reported as of April 11 in official counts of deaths from the coronavirus.
The new data is partial and most likely undercounts the recent death toll significantly. But it still illustrates how the coronavirus is causing a surge in deaths in the places it has struck, probably killing more people than the reported statistics capture. These increases belie arguments that the virus is only killing people who would have died anyway from other causes. Instead, the virus has brought a pattern of deaths unlike anything seen in recent years....
The infection rate of SARS-CoV-2 is incredible. It spreads without a hurdle and in that is THE TRUTH.
The truth is there is no taking this virus lightly or propagandizing it's impact or wishing to make it go away. This virus first made it into the USA's cities WITH EASE because of international plane travel. Once in the most densely populated cities in the country, it spread undetected from person to person because city living requires closeness of people to each other. Subways are a primary method of travel to many city dwellers and they are packed full of people going to and from home and to and from work and to and from quality of life venues such as opera houses, stage plays, theaters and sports venues.
We value the quality of life in the USA. It is a mandate to the rewards of work. But, at every turn in densely populated cities, there was an unreported invasion of a virus no one could stop, but, only hope to live through with the help of the dearly dedicated people of the USA health care system.
The DEEP TRUTH to this entire episode in the USA is that we are missing people because of the willful neglect of the very basic knowledge needed to PREVENT the invasion of an unwanted visitor. The American people are and were COMPROMISED by a president with false and fatal values.
This virus came from China to the USA because an impeached president thought he could hide the truth and continue his "talking con game" for his political benefit.
SARS-CoV-2 made it to the USA and spread because of a single man that would not listen to his own intelligence agencies or the experts working to end the infections before it started.
That is the truth all of us have to live with now and many of us died because of it.