Monday, March 09, 2020

Trump is lame. Sorry for the analogy to the sincerely physically lame.

This is called TRAINING (click here).

To the left is a BIO-CONTAINMENT Unit. I would be confident a unit like this would handily protect the care givers as well as the air around the containment unit. It is a unit that is easily used in transport.

This is the kind of containment unit that can be placed on ships and used when people are tested for positive or they develop symptoms of the virus. It is highly effective and very mobile. There is no reason for all this mess going on with the cruise ships.


For these biocontainment units to work and guarantee containment of the virus it requires QUALIFIED STAFF familiar with it's operation. The team of professionals wear special biocontainment suits to protect them from ACCIDENTS with any unit. They are also protecting the COMPROMISED patient from any potential infection with a weakened body condition.

I don't know what kind of medical professionals line the Board of Directors Room at these cruise ships, but, they should be required to have a Board Certified Physician/Surgeon as a part of their high level management team. Also, there needs to be well staffed and equipped "Hospital Unit" on these ships.

My mother, currently 85 years old has been traveling a lot over the past ten years after outliving my father by ten years. He passed in 2010 and travel helps her find her own identity separate from the woman that mourned her loving husband of 66 years. I am asking her to now stay at home and not make anymore travel plans until this health emergency passes. I love my mother and her mother and my grandmother lived well into her 90s, so, I expect my mother to be in this world for at the very least 10 more years. She would be one of the causalities if exposed to this virus.

I cannot tell you how disillusioned I am by the loss of expertise and prompt action by the federal government. Trump has gutted the experts because he claims to know everything. HE DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING!

The existence of this biocontainment unit alone PROVES that Trump is not doing anything to help those suffering from the virus.

A cruise ships MUST have an evacuation agreement with every port they visit regardless the country. No seriously ill passenger should be maintained with the same ventilation system as the state rooms or the captain's bridge or any other room of the ship. The hospital unit on the ships have to maintain an independent ventilation system from the rest of the ship. The unit has to be equipped with filters that act on the air as it enters the unit and expelled to the outside air.

The cruise ships have been the source of many infected passengers before Covid-19. Norovirus is know to be a problem on these ships. (click here) This is not a new problem. The regulation of these ships are necessary for many reasons.

December 18, 2018

One of the worst Ebola outbreaks in history (click here) is happening right now with hundreds of confirmed cases of the deadly virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The biocontainment unit (BCU) at The Johns Hopkins Hospital is a state-of-the-art facility designed to care for patients with high consequence pathogens, such as Ebola. Since its opening in 2015, the BCU, one of 10 regional centers in the U.S., has served as a site of research and training for highly infectious diseases. Staff members are now passing on that knowledge to other Maryland hospitals.

Through the support of an $800,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Health, the BCU team has begun a statewide program aimed at supporting and providing resources to special pathogen assessment hospitals. These hospitals can safely isolate and care for a suspected Ebola patient until a diagnosis is confirmed or ruled out, and the patient is transferred or discharged. As part of the grant, the BCU team is able to travel to each of the five assessment hospitals in Maryland to understand each facility’s successes and challenges in preparing for patients with Ebola.... 

This is ridiculous. There is nothing that troubling to allow the people off board from the ship. Hospitals and the NIH can provide the STANDARD used by them to handle infectious disease.