Was the month cooler or warmer than usual?
Colors show where and by how much the average monthly temperature differed from the month’s average temperature from 1981-2010. Red areas were warmer than the 30-year average for the month and blue areas were cooler. White and very light areas had temperatures close to the long-term average.
Where do these measurements come from?
Daily temperature readings come from ground-based weather stations in the Global Historical Climatology Network. Volunteer observers or automated instruments collect the highest and lowest temperature of the day at each station over the entire month,...
The first place a warming planet will show the extent of its impact is during the cold weather months. Why? Because the coldest of cold temperatures will become less cold.
The baseline of this map are temperatures from 1981-2010. So, considering there has been significant warming during that baseline there should be little to no notice of a warming planet in a decade later. But, there is. Using a baseline of recent temperatures rather than from the beginning of recorded warming is called a shifting baseline and that is not normally done to bring about a different comparison than the one obtained from original baselines.
By all means the map above should not exist considering the baseline is already compromised to illustrate a higher temperature group of data already. But, there it is. In ten years after a baseline was rearranged by the USA government to minimize any estimate of a warming Earth, it doesn't matter.
The map above clearly shows regardless of data manipulation Earth continues to warm. And the paid 19 year old woman proclaiming she is the "Anti-Greta" is absolutely correct, she doesn't know what she is talking about. It is time for the "Climate Realist" to get real.