Trump is lying and lying is not semantics. Trump is trying to raise the public's anger with Iran.
After the death of two Iranian generals, the Iranian military stated they would continue to carry the Late General Solemani''s plans. They did. They targeted USA military installations.
Iran has never attacked a foreign embassy with the exception of the American Embassy during the Iranian revolution that removed the Shaw from power. There is no embassy anyone can point to that was ever a target of the Iranian military.
As a matter of fact, Iran stated before they attacked American military instillations that Iran was not interested in killing Americans.
These are all facts and documented.
In regard to Ukraine's downed airliner, there were Ukrainian inspectors or people qualified to inspect the wreckage of the jet who stated there was evidence of parts of a missile. It was after Ukraine made that statement that Iran took ownership of the matter. It was helpful for Ukraine to have Canada also state the responsibility of Iran to be known. Having allies is a good thing.