To what extent does Mr. Zukerberg understand the process this organization carries out fact-checking and to what proof has he measured their reliability?\
I do not believe there are any standards other than the media professional ethics to define quality fact-checking. There is no legislation setting a standard, either state or federal, that I am aware of to date. MDs, lawyers, and even business accounting firms have regulations regarding professional standards; in a world of lies and propaganda where is the gold standard? How reliable is Facebook in it's trust of this global organization?
The International Fact-Checking Network (click here) is a unit of the Poynter Institute dedicated to bringing together fact-checkers worldwide. The IFCN was launched in September 2015 to support a booming crop of fact-checking initiatives by promoting best practices and exchanges in this field.
The International Fact-Checking Network:
- Monitors trends, formats and policy-making about fact-checking worldwide, publishing regular articles in the section below and in a weekly newsletter.
- Helps surface common positions among the world’s fact-checkers.
- Promotes basic standards through the fact-checkers’ code of principles and projects to track the impact of fact-checking.
- Funds annual fellowships, an innovation grant and a crowdfunding match program.
- Convenes fact-checkers in a yearly conference (Global Fact) and promotes collaborative efforts in international fact-checking.
- Provides training in person and online.
- Advocates for more fact-checking, including through an annual International Fact-Checking Day.
The IFCN team is currently formed by director Baybars Örsek, associate director Cristina Tardáguila and the intern Daniela Flamini. To find out more, read our transparency statement.