One opposition commentator stating, "This is just the way he talks," referring to "Do me a favor...",. It is ridiculous, those four words are not the evidence, but, rouge Republicans and their rouge administration will try to make that a defense.
Moscow Mitch needs to bring his Republicans into the era of "the truth," and respect the USA Constitution for once. For god sake, the Republicans don't see or want to see the truth in the lawless foreign policy of Trump.
Speaker Pelosi understands completely the brevity of this time in our history and I trust her implicitly.
September 25, 2019
By Julia Ainsley
The Trump administration's release of notes (click here) documenting President Donald Trump's conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has raised questions about Trump's relationship with Attorney General William Barr and whether he views Barr as someone whose job includes advocating for him on personal matters.
Repeatedly over the course of the call, Trump told Zelenskiy that his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Barr will be contacting Ukrainian prosecutors on two investigations: one related to an email server tied to Trump's former political rival, Hillary Clinton, and the other related to his potential future political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.

The evidence regarding Trump's proposed use of Attorney General Barr in Ukraine answers Senator Harris's question. Now, Barr can have all his false loyalty to the president before the US Constitution under oath.