Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Americans leaving America are doing so in what can be defined as forced emigration. It has nothing to do with immigrants at the southern USA border, but, more about the fact Donald Trump and the Republicans past and present cannot maintain domestic peace because of their cronies in the gun lobby.

Something needs to be done about Moscow Mitch McConnell. He has been an obstructionist for so long he has become demented in placing the USA first and it's people no longer are important to him.

Recently, when there were three mass killings within one week and the casualties easily totaled over 100 people and children; a cold chill ran down the spine of most Americans. The domestic terrorism didn't stop there. It continued with still another man in body armor and carrying weapons of war once again heeding the call of hatred and was ready to mow down more Americans.

I know what the Special Counsel's investigation turned up about Russia and it's ability to turn the internet into an election season nightmare. I know in my bones Putin is attempting to move more and more haters in the USA toward violence. In recent speeches, Trump did little to nothing to cool down the rhetoric and take leadership to a level of compassion with the ability to express political differences that didn't inspire violence.

Forced emigration is a result of real, not imagined fears. I will go so far as to equate what Trump and McConnell does within the realm of the media to the terror in Rwanda that resulted in the killing of millions. We are not there, but, the right wing media certainly is and the power trip of inspiring an internal struggle in the USA is all too tempting.

There was such nervous fear in the USA it has been demonstrated across the country in panic by crowds of people. The latest was a panic in the city of Toledo, Ohio with some guns shots that caused people in the street to panic and run for cover. It is very easy to say the country is not only on edge but, terrified.

Realizing the brevity of the mood of the country after the most recent domestic gun violence, it was extremely reasonable to believe Congress needed to return to DC and pass important and pertinent gun legislation. Every issue could be an autonomous stand alone bill and there should be ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT the country's gun lobby is out of control in demanding such loose gun laws that exist today.

"Moscow" Mitch McConnell's answer to returning early to pass legislation beyond the ability of a veto; was that there is no sense to return to DC for such issues, it would only amount to people earning points while not getting anything done. Does anyone actually believe if nothing was done and it was a bunch of grandstanding those legislators would be returning to DC in 2020?

"Moscow" McConnell is demented. He no longer sees the people as important and because of his power-hungry obstructionism, he only sees the politics as if there is not a thing wrong in the lives of Americans. It is all just politics.

"Moscow" Mitch is dangerous and incompetent. He sided with Trump in doing nothing. Trump stated it was only a short while and the legislature would be back to pass a bill for background checks. Does anyone believe that is going to happen? It is well a month before serious legislation will take the floor in the US Senate and it won't be the background check bill the US House has already passed waiting for a vote in the US Senate and signature by Trump.

The American people have serious issues before them. This is a dangerous time for the country and for the people. Americans need to take their fears seriously and know they are correct and demand action NOW. The longer the American people are placed in danger, the more and more the current legislators refusing to act now really don't belong there. 

Donald J. Trump and "Moscow" Mitch McConnell don't care about the people of the country. They care about power and their way to maintain it. It is time the American people get serious about their lives, their safety and living comfortably in a country previous generations fought and died for. Any working poor is a completely hideous reality. It is time Americans become fully vested in a country where they are safe and their government does care beyond their wildest imaginations about them.

I've had enough of dead Americans in the streets of the USA. I hope you have.