Footnote 55 5/31/16 Facebook Message, ID 100009922908461 (Matt Skiber) to ID Harm to Ongoing Matter
There is no Matt Skiber at ID 100009922908461 except at Facebook and in the report of the Special Counsel.
5/31/16 Facebook Message, ID 100009922908461 (Matt Skiber) to ID
What is really troubling is that these political right wing groups organize under USA law 501(c)4. They take in money to carry out some kind of advocacy. Then a Russian entity comes along and they don't even question the idea that someone is using their name and quite possibly making money doing it. They never filed complaints that most people are aware of and they simply continue to exist collecting Koch money.
Footnote 56
Social Media Influence in the 2016 US. Election, (click here for transcript) Hearing Before the Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence, 115th Cong. 13 (11/1/17) (testimony of Colin Stretch, General Counsel of Facebook).
- Impressions (an “impression” is how we count the number of times something is
on screen, for example this can be the number of times something was on screen
in a person’s News Feed):
44% of total ad impressions were before the US election on November 8, 2016. 56% of total ad impressions were after the election.
That is amazing. The Russians had built momentum during the 2016 elections and they did not want to lose it. Why, why were Russians continuing to hold onto it's activities AFTER the elections were in? They have an agenda. They STILL TODAY have an agenda. The Russians invaded this country through cyber warfare and even today have an agenda to carry out for their favorite leader, Putin. And Barr withdrew from the prosecution of these people. He is such a Trump puppet that he is a danger to the USA national defense.
Roughly 25% of the ads were never shown to anyone. That’s because advertising
auctions are designed so that ads reach people based on relevance, and certain ads
may not reach anyone as a result.
Only 25 percent of RUSSIAN agents' ads were a failure. That's not bad considering these are Russians composing them.
These agents know what they are doing.
Amount spent on ads: For 50% of the ads, less than $3 was spent.
For 99% of the ads, less than $1,000 was spent.
Many of the ads were paid for in Russian currency, though currency alone is a
weak signal for suspicious activity.
Excuse me? Russian currency is basically worthless and yet Facebook decided it was good enough for the Facebook treasury. And it wasn't suspicious? THEN WHAT DOES FACEBOOK CALL SUSPICIOUS!
Most of the ads appear to focus on divisive social and political messages across
the ideological spectrum, touching on topics from LGBT matters to race issues to
immigration to gun rights.
o A number of the ads encourage people to follow Pages on these issues, which in
turn produced posts on similarly charged subjects
Okay, this is disgusting. The ads were political in nature and paid for with Russian currency. I think that clearly is a definition called suspicious. Here again no red flags. No one THINKING for a living. And the Russians are celebrating with a rally where The Chef's name is on banners for his birthday.
You know, Zukerberg goes to Russia and China and all those countries that aren't free and open democracies hoping to be a ray of hope to the people there and inspire new thinking about democracy and YET, he doesn't do a darn thing to protect the democracy that provided the freedom for him to design, grow and provide him with vast wealth. There is a problem and it needs to be addressed.
Facebook is a global organization and it needs it's own intelligence officers that work hand in hand with the FBI and CIA.
Footnote 57 3/18/16 Facebook Advertisement ID 6045505152575.
Footnote 58 4/6/16 Facebook Advertisement ID 6043740225319
Footnote 59 See SM-2230634, serial 213 (documenting politically-oriented advertisements from the larger
set provided by Facebook).
Foonote 60 4/19/16 Facebook Advertisement ID 6045151094235.
Best I can tell these four footnotes identify specific ad IDs and are among the items in the evidence file with this report.
Collectively, the IRA's social media accounts reached tens of millions of U.S. persons.
Individual IRA social media accounts attracted hundreds of thousands of followers. For example,
at the time they were deactivated by Facebook in mid-2017, the IRA's "United Muslims of
America" Facebook group had over 300,000 followers, the "Don't Shoot Us" Facebook group had
over 250,000 followers, the "Being Patriotic" Facebook group had over 200,000 followers, and
the "Secured Borders" Facebook group had over 130,000 followers.61 According to Facebook, in
total the IRA-controlled accounts made over 80,000 posts before their deactivation in August 2017,
and these posts reached at least 29 million U.S persons and "may have reached an estimated 126
million people."62
May 21, 2018
By Drew DeSilver
Nearly 56% of the U.S. voting-age population (click here) cast ballots in the 2016 presidential election, representing a slight uptick compared with 2012 but less than in the record year of 2008. While most Americans – 70% in a recent Pew Research Center survey – say high turnout in presidential elections is very important, what constitutes “high turnout” depends very much on which country you’re looking at and which measuring stick you use.
The Census Bureau estimated that there were 245.5 million Americans ages 18 and older in November 2016, about 157.6 million of whom reported being registered to vote....
...reached at least 29 million U.S persons and "may have reached an estimated 126 million people."
Hm. The Russians by this estimation reached at least 10 percent of the voting population and could have been as much as nearly 100 percent.
This was not a dog and pony show by Russia. They WANT THIS. This isn't politics, it is espionage.
I going to fix a cup of tea.
continued in next entry