It's Sunday Night
I will discuss the dynamics of forests for as long as it takes and will continue to read the report of the Special Counsel, but, tonight I would like to cover Labor in the USA. I think it will become evident that Joe Biden seems to be the candidate to beat.
On May 4th there was an unusual number of notices from the NLRB. I think the information dump occurred because Trump is worried about Biden.
These are just the facts. You can't make this stuff up.
And remember one thing, when woman work they don't transform into men, they are always women. I don't think women that work for a living ever plug into the good old boy club. Obviously. There aren't many complaints of sexual assault by women of men. 99 percent are men assaulting women. I think women are prepared to be serious about work and the outcome. They always have been. Other than boy cut panties, there will never be a transformation into men or their image. Some work clothes are too practical to wear anything else.