Those pipe bombs were not dummies, they were live and intended to carry out death and damage.
It is easy to be contrite when caught red handed. This is the example of a man with a broken life looking for any possible identity that will carry him to a different reality.
I think the pattern of people that Trump attracts is worrisome. Time and time again the personality of Trump's White Man is playing out before the country's eyes. The idea there is a strong acceptance for Trump is incorrect, there is however a strong acceptance for his form of politics which blames everyone else for problems. That is the plague of White Nationalism or White Supremacy. They are men with broken lives, sometimes they lean on alcohol, and they look to others to blame for their circumstances.
There are many of them and they identify with anger because that is the only male identity they still have available to them. Rather than accepting the fact they have lived their lives wrong, they want to blame society, the government or any other person in the vicinity for their inability to succeed in the USA. Their problems are real. Many live in squalor, have few family ties and look to others like them for friendship if they value friendship at all.
Holding that flag for Cesar Sayoc was his new hope. He was accepted into rallying adults just like him. The anger was their bond. Trump simply capitalized on it. The validation of that anger by Trump is a real problem for the country and law enforcement, especially, when Congressman Steve King (click here) rides the coattails of this level of hate. As I stated before, Trump and King know exactly whom they are talking to, BUT, they have no real plan to improve their lives so much as use their anger for their own purposes.
One other thing; I believe as a basis for their anger is fear of life and failure. Their education level and competency in literacy have to be questioned as well as their ability to learn a skill. If there was a sincere concern for these folks the entire idea of literacy and ABILITY to learn skills has to be explored.
Most of these Caucasian men are impoverished because of bad choices.

By Kevin McCoy
New York – Pipe bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc tearfully apologized as he pleaded guilty Thursday for the domestic terrorism attacks in which he mailed 16 crude explosive devices to prominent Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump in late 2018.
The 57-year-old Florida resident sobbed as he entered the plea before U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan federal court. He faces a minimum of 10 years in prison and possibly as much as life behind bars at his scheduled September 12 sentencing.
"I know that these actions were wrong and I am extremely sorry," the sobbing defendant told the judge in a voice that was little more than a raspy whisper before pleading guilty to 65 criminal counts that included using weapons of mass destruction and illegal mailing of explosives with intent to kill or injure.
Responding to questioning by Rakoff, Sayoc said he had not intended for the devices to explode and hurt anyone, but instead "to threaten and intimidate people."...