There is no road to kick the can down. The petroleum industry's voice is poison to a First World Country. Every other First World country has already moved forward on the terminal timeline of the Climate Crisis. Enough. The USA must move into it's leadership role.
There is no more time. 2030 is upon us and the USA has to move into a new method of energy that will insure American lives forever. Forever is real. Developing energy that does not assault Earth's atmospheres is forever. That is a legacy issue every person seeking leadership in the USA has to address.
The USA needs far more mass transit, it needs infrastructure eliminating at every turn greenhouse gas emissions. Now. Not in 2024 or 2028. Now. The time is now. As soon as the USA prioritizes the climate as a real path forward, the dialogue will reveal the existing crisis throughout the world. There is a reality Americans don't see because it is unpopular to address it. The "Real Time" world today is horrific in the dynamics occurring all over the planet due to the Climate Crisis.
It is not going away. This is real. This has to take precedence over any political issue. No more looking the other way. There is no alternative. The climate of Earth has to take priority.
21 February 2019
By Arthur Neslen
Climate change (click here) was responsible for the majority of under-reported humanitarian disasters last year, according to analysis of more than a million online news stories.
Whole populations were affected by food crises in countries ravaged by by drought and hurricanes such as Ethiopia and Haiti, yet neither crisis generated more than 1,000 global news stories each.
In Madagascar, more than a million people went hungry as corn, cassava and rice fields withered under drought and severe El NiƱo conditions. Almost half the country’s children have been stunted, but their suffering sparked few headlines....