Drought 2003 (click here)
- Mean annual precipitation was about 80% of
long-term average (regionally <70%)
- lack in precipitation was aggravated by high
summer temperatures (one of the hotest
summers since the beginning of measurements)
- river discharges, groundwater and lake levels
were considerably below long-term average
(except rivers fed by glaciers)
- regionally lowest ever recorded values for
precipication, river discharges and groundwater
Lake levels fell and even hydroelectric was effected by 30 percent. That is one of the negative feedback loops of the climate crisis. All the benevolent forms of energy, such as hydropower, can be adversely effected. Such problems are not minimal concerns to Austria.
The government and people share the same concerns and the morality to solve those concerns. The Austrian culture has a right to exist and I don't want to hear anyone demanding the country to be different. They are important moral people that have the right to bring their values forward in generations to come. it is important they do so.