These pictures are supposed to be highly classified. Bring Seal Team Five home, disband the current members to other operations and place new personnel in this Seal Team. This is outrageous. Trump doesn't care about our soldiers' security, our national security and he has the nerve to complain about a border wall while holding the country's government hostage.
Donald Trump's incompetency is so deep he is compromising the national security of the USA without a second thought. And Sanders goes along with it. It is time to remove him from office. This is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
December 26, 2018
By James LaPorta
President Donald Trump (click here) and the White House communications team revealed that a.S. Navy SEAL team was deployed to Iraq after the president secretly traveled to the region to meet with American forces serving in a combat zone for the first time since being elected to office.
While the commander-in-chief can declassify information, usually the specific special operations unit is not revealed to the American public, especially while U.S. service members are deployed. Official photographs and videos typically blur the individual faces of special operation forces, due to the sensitive nature of their job.
The president’s video posted Wednesday did not shield the faces of special operation forces. Current and former Defense Department officials told Newsweek that information concerning what units are deployed and where is almost always classified and is a violation of operational security....