The first awakening as to the low minimum wage and how corporations use the Food Stamp and Medicaid system to supplement their stockholders came with Walmart. Now, it is becoming a real strategy with Human Resource Offices providing counseling to their employees to seek health care and food at government expense. So, the coal companies are getting on the bandwagon to assign the USA government responsibility for THEIR COAL MINER DISEASES.
Enough is enough.
The coal industry is not Walmart in that there are no deadly side effects from working within their employ. This is an entirely different paradigm that not only attacks the health of the miners from the first day they are employed to the day they die an early death but, to all Americans fighting to bring the climate within a safe range of supporting life. This is just more of the same corporatization of the USA Treasury as if it belongs to Wall Street for their CEOs to covet to add to their strategies.
It is time for this to end. No more corporate welfare and no more Americans jobs that insult the quality of life while shortening life spans of workers and the well being of entire generations.
When a company with 500 employees or more have 10 percent or more of their employees on government programs they need to pay for it.
And for companies like the coal industry that cause human disease, hardship, and death; they have no alternative but to develop a method that they immediately implement to end all side effects of their industry that imperils life. There is no such word as "unattainable" in any legislation going forward.
To be completely honest, the coal industry CEOs should be facing human rights violations at The Hague.