The report of the Senate Judiciary Committee is out. Read the Exhibit 20 (page 98 of 144) which was a written testimony by Paul Redon of his experience with Britt Kavanaugh. It is stunning. It completely matches the character issues presented by Dr. Ford, including bragging about women or better said, girls.
Paul Rendon listed 79 memories of his experience with Kavanaugh and his team affiliates.
Kavanaugh lied about everything. His friends never denied any of the statements by Dr. Ford; they simply say they have no memories of that time.
US Senate Judiciary Committee Report (click here)
If sincerely interested in this judge's rise to power, read the report, the 144 pages are primarily exhibits. This is a legal document and the testimony by Paul Redon completely surprised me considering the tone of so many others distancing from Kavanaugh through poor memories.
7. I was unaware of any other student there that was of humble means.
8. All of my friends and all the other students at the school, as far as I knew, were from much wealthier families.
9. The students were divided into different social groups.
10. Brett Kavanaugh hung out with the jocks in the school, who were on the football team.
11. There was a group of students that were routinely picked on by Brett Kavanaugh’s group of friends, and were tormented, teased and ridiculed, and pushed and shoved into lockers or into closets.
12. I never witnessed Brett Kavanaugh physically attack a student, but there were many times I witnessed one of Brett Kavanaugh’s larger friends physically attack a student, and saw Brett Kavanaugh witness the attack and laugh about it.
Kavanaugh loves to laugh at everyone's expense.
13. Brett Kavanaugh would also laugh when his friends teased and ridiculed other students.
14. To my knowledge, the kids that were picked on never reported it, presumably out of fear of retaliation.
15. Brett Kavanaugh never did anything to stop this physical and verbal abuse, but stood by and laughed at the victims.
16. My group of friends were in between the students that got picked on and the football players that picked on the students.
17. Brett Kavanaugh was close friends with Mark Judge.
18. I can recall the names of the other people in his group of friends and can provide those to the Senators if they want them.
19. Mark Judge was the class clown.
20. Brett Kavanaugh would always laugh the loudest when it was in response to Mark Judge’s jokes and antics.
He loved his beer as well and measured the weekend consumption by the keg.
21. Underage drinking was part of the subculture of the football team group and not the culture of the whole school.
22. The football team players, including Brett Kavanaugh, during their junior and senior years would routinely brag about how many kegs that they drank over the weekend.
23. I would witness them bragging on Mondays about how many kegs they consumed over the weekend.
The words spoken by Kavanaugh about Renate was not in friendship or admiration, it defamed her as a sex object.
31. Aside from bragging about how much they drank over the weekend, they would also brag about how much sex they had over the weekend.
32. I do not recall Brett Kavanaugh specifically say he had sex with any particular person.
33. However, I do recall Brett Kavanaugh generally participate in these conversations where the football players were bragging about sexual conquests over the prior weekend.
34. One name that routinely was a subject of conversation when the football players were bragging about sexual conquests was a person named Renate, pronounced, REE NATE.
35. I heard Brett Kavanaugh talk about Renate many times.
36. The impression I formed at the time from listening to these conversations where Brett Kavanaugh was present was that Renate was the girl that everyone passed around for sex, and that if one of the boys was unable to find sex with a girl, that Renate was the option for sex as a last resort.
37. In particular, I recall that Brett Kavanaugh had made up a rhyme using the REE NATE pronunciation of Renate’s name.
These behaviors recalled by a person, Paul Redon, who was neither a friend or enemy of Kavanaugh is very telling. He made observations and not opinion. His observations are spot on in reflections of Dr. Ford.
Dr. Ford was treated EXACTLY as she described of Brett Kavanaugh and was lucky she was not raped. Paul Redon is a witness to the ill character of a young man that acted out of privilege and not decency.
I thank Paul Redon for coming forward and proving Dr. Ford was indeed a victim to a vicious young man interested in only his own creature comforts.
Brett Kavanaugh, then a judge in the DC Circuit, bald faced lied under oath to the US Senate Judiciary Panel. There is a reason Trump truncated the investigation by the FBI. He knew what was on the desk of the committee's leadership.