The reports regarding migrants from the Northern Triad is that these countries are hardening their borders. An article in “The Guardian” is that migrants are having a more difficult time crossing the borders.
There are also human rights groups looking into these measures and there are some reports stating the measures are illegal. There is not a great deal of description as to what these measures are that are creating a barrier to the migration. I don’t believe it has anything to do with the politics in the USA. These are small countries with small populations. If thousands of people are leaving, that is an exodus and not simple migration. There sre significant numbers of these people stating loss of employment and exposure to violence are the reasons they are leaving. Some state their lives are in danger as well. There are mothers with their children in tow within these numbers.
The issue with unemployment is related to unfulfilled expectations of aid from the USA already agreed to and their leadership is caught unaware of the end of funding. In that is the understanding the leadership has little time to ask for humanitarian aid. I don’t know if the agreement between the USA and the countries of the Northern Triad even allows for aid so much as employment.
Besides the obvious reason for work assistance funding, most humanitarian aid is delivered by NGOs to ensure the people receive the food, water, medicine, etc. In that is the understanding the NGO personnel will be safe. There is no such assurances in the Northern Triad. So the entire idea of humanitarian aid falls apart because of the violence.
With the governance falling apart, the mass exodus is not surprising and quite frankly the Trump administration has brought this crisis on itself. There is no timeline as to WHEN the people get here or IF they get here with hurricanes and increased resistance to their movement in their path.
With this so called caravan being a part of the USA right wing political dogma, there are calls from pundits to stop the aid being given to the migrants along the route. The pundits are engaging in empty rhetoric as the people need help to stay alive.
By the way, if the Northern Triad loses a large number of citizens there is the issue of sovereignty.