The problem with the elections in the Red States is that Trump has reinfused the OLD methods of an economy with his tax cuts. The people believe their lives are better, especially where there are coal and petroleum industries. The fact is the USA Congress passed hideous laws under Republican demands and majorities and the world is not interested anymore. Countries are not looking to import coal anymore. The world wants to move into a future where their children will inherit a world safe to live in.
There is a great promise in the future, but, the Red States are chronically told the old ways are the only ways. The Republicans play with voting suppression and the politicians that take the billions of dollars handed out by industries like the Kochs simply reinvest their political aspirations on old, polluting economies.
The issue is not that Trump is reinfusing Red State economies with tax breaks that rebuild the old ways and people are seeing money coming their way again, it is that Trump is doing exactly that into a future that is already over. There is no hope in the Red State economies, just desperation for change and when it doesn't occur, they fall prey to the corrupt.
The worst thing Trump did was move out of the sphere of influence with global economies by ending the USA involvement to end the Climate Crisis and now that he double downed on his polluting agenda, the rest of the world wants nothing to do with the USA.
The USA doesn't live in a bubble and the people will find out soon enough. There is a reason the President was met with laughter at the UN General Assembly. They are on a different track than the USA. The USA has been left behind and the future is looming and every country on Earth is mindful of it. No one is expecting the USA to lead anymore. It is very sad.