Federal legislators treat the symptom at times, but, they never propose a comprehensive policy to end greenhouse gas pollution. Three years of lack of water is extremely concerning. It is not simply an El Nino or La Nina; it is drought WITHOUT clear abatement to it. It is a drought without clear discernable boundaries. It is a climate crisis.
Lack of water is a human rights abuse. American agriculture is NOT the problem. It is easy to find a reason when facing such enormous stress. But, the problem is a very hot planet with obvious and predictable problems.
Somewhere about four years ago, Dr. Christopher Field (click here) openly predicted the fires being witnessed in California today. Dr. Field has been at the forefront of the climate crisis for a long time. This is not a new prediction that he pulled out of the air to impress anyone. He states such events in prediction from facts and figures.
Who the heck are Americans voting for???