Latvia has a population of 1.927,649
Latvia population is equivalent to 0.03% of the total world population.
Latvia ranks number 166 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
The population density in Latvia is 34 per Km2 (89 people per mi2).
The total land area is 62,200 Km2 (24,016 sq. miles)
69.7 % of the population is urban (1,345,602 people in 2018)
The median age in Latvia is 42.8 years.
There is a good chance the population of these Post Soviet Countries drops because young people seek better opportunities and a different way of life. When young people abandon a country such as Latvia, they take their reproductive capacity. So a country, such as Latvia will realize a dropping population density for two reasons, emigration and the future of babies with that emigration.
Latvia, as well as Lithuania and Estonia de facto ceased to be parts of the USSR four months before the Soviet Union itself ceased to exist (26 December 1991). Soon, on 6 September, the independence of three Baltic states was recognized by the USSR. ... Latvia later joined NATO and the European Union in 2004.
Latvia's estimated population is 1.93 million, which is lower than the population of 2.07 million at the last census in 2011. Latvia has a relatively low density of just 34 people per square kilometer (89/sq mi), which ranks 166th in the world. Latvia is currently the third-poorest country in the European Union and about 30,000 people leave the country each year, most of whom are young and well educated. This is most visible in the capital of Riga, which is becoming a ghost town.