If Trump starts disregarding Americans as important, ambassadors are important, there is no end to it. First it’s ambassadors and businessmen, next statesmen and opponents and then simply people that are displeasing. It is not prudent to forget parentless children and childless parents. It is imprudent to forget internment camps that is still unknown to be safe with plenty of food and water. Capture and Release is a real answer to insure human life at the southern border yet Fox News forgets the capture part and inflames dialogue by saying it is an open border policy.
So this entire idea of allowing human beings of any status to be used as bargaining chips in a game decided in two hours behind closed doors between Putin and Trump is unthinkable, but, Trump does the unthinkable. He obviously does the unthinkable otherwise we would not be witnessing babies with blank looks on their faces when returned to their mothers.