July 13 of 2018 the HSI (Homeland Security Investigations) El Paso Border Patrol arrested 18 alien smugglers, 117 illegal border crossers. THE BORDER PATROL seized cash, vehicles and drugs.
Before “ICE” was created after 911, it was always the Border Patrol and it still is today.
It is wrong of the Republican House membership to single out ICE for recognition. The Border Patrol takes on all the same dangers as ICE.
In not recognizing all the other law enforcement along any US border, the Republican legislation is nothing more than using taxpayer money and power of the government to play politics. It needs to stop. We are in a cyber war with Russia while they misbehave with allies and the House Republicans are playing political games with the Legislative floor. It is sickening.
The Mueller Investigation has found concert evidence of Russian cyber invasion into the elections of 2018 and the only thing the Republicans can think to do is take a divisive vote about singling pit ICE for recognition. It is disgusting!
Do Republicans actually care about this country or simply use it for their own purposes like Trump does?
Dan Coates knows for a fact the Russians are tampering with the 2018 elections and it has nothing to do with the southern border, DO SOMETHING!