Fox News is engaging in propaganda in that Trump demanded more payments from NATO allies and got it. That is a lie and much the reason Trump continues his abusive dialogues no matter where he is or who he is with,
French President Emmanuel Macron came to the press after Donald Trump made those unsubstantiated lies and clearly stated the alliance members are contributing no more than agreed upon in the original agreement. The Alliance members will pay the 2 percent annually by 2024.
Some news agencies find it necessary to verify the Trump statements and speeches live as they happen to protect the public knowledge base.
Fox News is a problem and the propaganda arm of the White House. The news agency is corrupt.
Today, I thought Geraldo Rivera was a refreshing personality to Fox News and was more interested in commentary based in the truth. His commentary has sharpe elbows but he cares deeply about veterans and it shows.
All to often though US Veterans are the focus of commentary and it serves as a Fox News advertisement for nationalism and flag waving.